Range versus allowance for spikes



  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I don't think a 5 or 6 pound variation from day to day is at all unusual. I "say" I'm 168, but I vary from 166 to about 172 (although usually under 170), and have just swung between those numbers for a year. If I start seeing the numbers creep higher than that, I'll say I'm in a bulk and just go with it :happy:
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I use the "Happy Scale" app for this reason.

    Checking it out now-thanks!
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Another thing that will help is my belt. It is summer where I am and I work in an office that allows casual dress, so I wear nice shorts most of the time. Nearly all my shorts and pants require a belt now. The shorts I am wearing are some "too small" ones I had stashed away several years ago nearly brand new. I bought them because I was so committed to losing the weight; didn't happen. Anyway, now they are actually a little too large but will get me through this summer with a belt. So back to the belt - my everyday one now is one of the leather weave/braid type that doesn't have specific holes. Right now, the tip of the belt makes it exactly to the point where the solid leather that holds the buckle changes to the weaved. That's a long winded way of saying I will notice right away if I add any girth. And yeah, I could have it tighter or looser but I think I will know and hopefully would react by weighing the next morning.
  • Skydaver
    Skydaver Posts: 23 Member
    I use The Hacker's Diet tracking for this. I can't tell you the formula off the top of my head, but it is a weighted moving average.
    Considering that your daily intake (food, water and even air) and output totals 13.5 lbs/day (that's data from NASA, from a 1988 conference on life support for a mission to Mars), it is VERY easy to be higher or lower than your maintenance weight by a pound or three or even more.
    That's part of why I set my goal at 177lbs, so that my fluctuations will keep me below 180.

  • Skydaver
    Skydaver Posts: 23 Member

    Another Hacker's Diet fan!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I count my 'weight' as what I am at my lowest and anything above that as a 'swing'. It makes me feel better. My lowest bounced lower and lower during loss and my highs got lower and lower.

    Now that I'm essentially where my body likes to be - what I think of as my 'natural weight' - the swings are pretty small - plus or minus 3 pounds. When I wasn't watching what I ate it was a 5 pound zone. When I was heavier it would also be a bigger bounce. Now . . . pretty steady.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I count my 'weight' as what I am at my lowest and anything above that as a 'swing'. It makes me feel better. My lowest bounced lower and lower during loss and my highs got lower and lower.
    That's how I do it also. It isn't just about feeling better; it is the only solid reference point. Spikes up can be all over the place. You can't get a weight below your body weight.
  • coffeepuff
    coffeepuff Posts: 13 Member
    I have such a strong fear of back sliding that I will not even allow myself that .5 pound variance. I really fear the creep up.

    My current daily swing is a range of about 2-5 pounds give or take. I know it's easier said than done, but relax. You're at your goal. Just maintain a sensible diet and exercise program and start limiting your weigh ins if they're giving you grief.

    It's so interesting to read about other people's approaches to maintenance!

    I try to allow for a 5 pound variance. If I go above the five-pound "range", I go into hard-core mode and eat super super clean until it drops again. (ex: switching out frozen meals and packaged snacks with fruit and vegetable and protein-rich salads). I try to stay on the mid/lower end of my range because while I like salads, I also like my healthy indulgences. ;)

    If I have a binge or a night on the town with abnormally rich foods (say, at a wedding or something), my weight balloons up 3-7 pounds from water weight. Those times, I allow a few days for things to settle down (while guzzling water) before I "count" the weight or else I would drive myself crazy, lol.
  • tabletmfp
    tabletmfp Posts: 53 Member
    Hi all, I am weighing 60.5 kilos now and my goal weight was/is 61 kilos. I don't mind going a bit lower but no higher than 62 kilos for sure. I am newish to maintenance so still experimenting. This was the first week my weight actually stayed exactly the same. Prior to this I would loose .3 kilos consistently so I upped my calories a little bit. Maybe I will loose another lb or two before Xmas, but then Xmas will take me back to around 61 kilos I hope! Last year I left it too long to weigh in after Xmas and I put on a couple of kilos that took several weeks to loose. I want to be more careful this time and vigilant between weigh ins. Any ideas?