Need a Man's Opinion! Tummies...

Edited for idiocy


  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm sure all the guys are lining up right now trying to figure out the best way to tell women that they lie to us daily and really want nothing less than perfection.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    My experience is that confident, intelligent men want confident, intelligent women who are comfortable in their own skin regardless of it's imperfections.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I'm not falling for this one .........
  • nostress123
    Shame on me for hoping to find some men out there with the courage to just say what he prefers in a body type, regardless of if his woman has it or not... whatever, thinks it's time to go find the delete topic button.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    I'm sure my hubs thinks 6-packs are hot - *I* think they are, so I can't hold that against him, or anyone. But he saw what carrying our 2 kids did to my body, and he wouldn't trade them for anything, including a 6-pack.

    I guess I don't really know what you're looking for here. My hubs has never complained about the state of my tummy (and it's changed for the worse and the better), so long as he has access to the rest of the package. I couldn't say if his increased attention to the area when I'm in better shape is due to *his* interest or *my* confidence - bit either way the outcome is favorable to both parties.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    My husband says that when I am flirting with him, gazing into his eyes, and grabbing his booty, he doesn't care about anything else. So I'd rather spend more time doing that and less time obsessing over fitting my belly into a certain mold.
    (In the meantime, picking up the weights make me feel stronger and happier with the way I look.)
  • LordOberon
    LordOberon Posts: 73 Member