TDEE vs BMR - I'm confused, help me!

Hey, everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I was on this website last summer and got into pretty good shape eating at 1200 calories/day and eating back the exercise calories, so I was closer to around 1500-1600 calories a day. School got in the way emotionally and physically, so unfortunately all of my progress was lost. But I'm back now and fully committed. I just have to wait a week and a half or so until I go back to school to start my journey again. My father dislikes me working out (he's been in naturally excellent shape his whole life, so he doesn't really understand) and buys only junk food, so it's unrealistic for me to try and start right now.

I never saw any talk of TDEE last summer, so I've seen it mentioned a couple times now and I'm confused. I know TDEE takes your exercise into account, so you don't eat back those calories, right? Since they're technically already there?

My TDEE on the FitnessFrog calculator says it's 2,194 or 2,474. -20% on that, it's 1,755 or 1,979 calories/day (depending on whether I choose light or moderate activity - I was exercising 6 days a week last summer, so I'm leaning more towards the moderate). That's obviously quite a large difference from the calories I was eating last summer. I'm also heavier now than I was, so I'm sure that has something to do with it?

I'm trying really hard to understand, so please nobody get upset with me. :/ I just need someone to explain it in clear terms and help a girl out.


  • AngelicValkyrie
    This is what a fellow MFP member explained to me when I asked a similar question:
    1/ BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate): The amount of calories you need to consume to maintain your body if you were comatose (base level).

    2/ NEAT (Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis): The calorie of daily activity that is NOT exercise (eg: washing, walking, talking, shopping, working). ie: INCIDENTAL EXERCISE! It is something that everyone has a good amount of control over.

    3/ EAT (Exercise Associated Thermogenesis): The calorie requirements associated with planned exercise. Unless someone is doing a whole heap of exercise (eg: two or more hrs training a day) it usually doesn't add a stack of calories to your requirements (30 minutes of 'elliptical training isn't going to do it')

    4/ TEF (Thermic Effect of Feeding): The calorie expenditure associated with eating. REGARDLESS of what myths you have been told - this is NOT dependent on MEAL FREQUENCY. It is a % of TOTAL CALORIES CONSUMED (and 15% of 3 x 600 cal meals is the same as 15% of 6 x 300 cal meals). It varies according to MACRONUTRIENT content and FIBER content. For most mixed diets, it is something around 15%. Protein is higher (up to 25%), carbs are variable (between 5-25%), and fats are low (usually less than 5%). So -> More protein and more carbs and more fiber = HIGHER TEF. More FAT = LOWER TEF.

    5/ TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure): The total calories you require - and the sum of the above (BMR + NEAT + EAT + TEF).

    Basically your TDEE is everything. MFP only uses your BMR+NEAT to determine calorie intake.
  • gotchakatja
    gotchakatja Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you! I think I finally figured it out. :]
  • AngelicValkyrie
    You're welcome :)

    oh good. I am glad