Why do my arms feel so FAT?

_SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Sooo. I am noticing significant decrease in all my body parts.....EXCEPT my arms. I don't understand this. I do at least 3 days/week 60 minutes of cardio and I do weight training 2 days a week. My weight training class involves biceps, shoulders, triceps, back, core, calves, glutes and thighs. I am noticing a difference everywhere except my arms!! I don't understand one bit...and I feel the muscle that's being built underneath the fat but it doesn't seem like that fat is going away... If you see in this picture....I'm on the right...


It's almost like it's extra skin from losing weight? Will this eventually tighten up the more I train it with weight lifting? It really concerns me because I feel like my arms are not proportional to my body. Anyone have this same problem??

Thanks guys for listening to my whining and in advance for your advice!



  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    I feel the same way! I see inches melting everywhere and my arms are still not tone. When I measure I see that I've lost 3 inches around my arms, but they still jiggle and they are just still fat LOL. Arms seem to be difficult for alot of ppl for some reason.........
  • Women typically hold on to fat on their triceps/back of their arms until the very end. Just continue to work off the fat and they will tighten up :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm the EXACT same way dear, and I've lose 50+ pounds already! I have some serious muscles under there, but there's still a layer of fat. What I have noticed is that the fat is less dense, if that makes sense. So it's really just a waiting game of the skin catching up so it appears tighter and more toned. I have noticed an improvement over the last few months and if I don't hold my arms out to the side or tight against my ribs, you don't notice they're flabby. The extra skin just needs to tighten up around the muscles and less fat that is there.

    Don't worry, it will happen eventually, it's just takes some time for the skin to snap back. Until then, keep working the muscle! The more muscle you have, the less the skin will have to snap back and the better it will look.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Hang in there! I have the same problem and it can be discouraging but arms aren't the easiest to get back in shape. Of course, you can't spot reduce either (despite all the weight training that may be specific to them - that will build muscle but the fat burn just comes off from everywhere). If you keep up what you're doing you WILL see results in a few months. I know that's probably not the advice you want right now but this process is never easy! Your body will catch up and you'll do great!
  • I have always had large arms for my size but since I have been strick on my diet i notice them really toning and tightening... and I have been doing various programs that have pushups and I'm thinking that is a big factor
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm there with you. What is up with the arms? I understand the statue of the "Venus de Milo" so much better now. It's not that their wasn't stone for the arms, she just made the artist cut them off because she couldn't get them to look good.
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    HAHAHA @ Paige that's hilarious I love it!
  • Lol at the Venus Demilo comment. Yeah add push ups to your routine if you want to see results and keep up the current stuff. One day your going to blink and the muscle will be right there and your be like S@#$ how did that get there?
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