How does the # on the scale relate to your emotional state?



  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    It doesn't bother me. As long as I take control and remain resposible for my eating and exercise habits, it's going to go down eventually. I've been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs. for the last 2 months -and it's all my fault to be perfectly honest. I'm back to logging absolutely everything and measuring the way I should. It was a hiatus. A controlled break, if you will. I've been at this for 7 months, and I was feeling burnt out.

    I'm a binge eater which is especially difficult to deal with. I can do some MAJOR damage in a very short amount of time! It used to be that I wouldn't even be aware I was binging until after the fact. I'm beginning to know my triggers, and sense a binge coming on. I've found ways to prevent a binge, and I'm constantly working to fine more coping methods.

    I'm not in a race to lose weight. I'm not applying pressure, guilt, frustration, or depression on myself. I don't need the stress. Stress IS one of my binge triggers, after all. Life happens. Life goes in every direction including the wrong way. I deal with it.

    The scale? It's a tool just like MFP. I weigh myself everyday simply as reinforcement. It prevents me from being as bad as I would if I didn't weigh myself. Weighing myself after a binge is the worst. The scale goes up, up, up for about 2-3 days afterwards until I'm stuck with the final result. It takes 1-2 weeks to come back down. What's important for me is the owning up. NOT weighing myself would allow me to bury my head in the sand. Weighing is accountability. It makes me face the problem. In this respect, I love my scale. It fluctuates, but it never lies.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    How about instead of placng so much emphasis on some arbitrary number on the scale, you place more emphasis on being healthy...improving your fitness, etc. Your actual weight is only one fraction of being a healthy individual; there's so much more to it than that. If all of your focus is on the number on the scale, you're going to be in for a very tough haul due to the fact that weight loss isn't have natural fluctuations and slow downs, etc. It's going to be pretty much impossible to achieve your goals if all you are focused on is that number on the scale as it sounds like natural fluctuations just derail you. Place your focus elsewhere.

    When you focus on the result, you rarely see the change; when you focus on the change, you ultimately will see the results.

    That is some good stuff^^^^^
  • Yes, the scale can definitely affect how I feel so I've decided recently that I would only weigh myself twice a month, once at the start and once at the end. I've previously had a lot of success doing this since I would be very consistent with my eating and exercising and when the end of the month rolls around I don't expect anything and most times I'm pleased with the result.
  • mirrinias
    mirrinias Posts: 80 Member
    Surprisingly, this time around the scale is inspiring me. It keeps me on track to weigh every morning, and reminds me of why I am doing what I'm doing. I don't freak out about staying the same weight (because at least I'm not gaining) and I don't freak out about 1.5 lb extra -- because now I know when I've eaten a lot of sodium and it's water weight.

    And now that I know just how much you have to eat to gain a pound, I don't panic about small, temporary water weight gains (I was at first).

    Usually, the scale puts me in a GOOD mood. Because regardless of how far I have to go, that number showing up shows my progress, strength, and is better than I was a month ago.
  • kaykaylyn
    kaykaylyn Posts: 84 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this because I have been sooooo frustrated/depressed wirh the number I've been seeing on my scale for three weeks. But just yesterday I decided to use it as motivation to figure out what the problem could be, and it dawned on me that I probably should not have added bread and cereal (my attempt to add healthy calories). But because of my diabetes my body diesn't handle these well (I forgot) even though they were good whole grain choices. I was devasted when I saw I had gained back the two pounds, but instead of wallowing in my misery like I usually do, I made a change that I hope is the answer.

    I'm hoping that once I lose the 2 lbs. again, I will be ok and refocus on moving forward.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I removed my scale from the bathroom last night because daily weighing was messing with my head so much. I was not focusing on the great NSV's like needing a new belt because my belt is now too big, or how much stronger I am or how I am so much fitter I am in general. All I could see was that stupid number on the scale not moving and it was dictating my life and mood.
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    I removed my scale from the bathroom last night because daily weighing was messing with my head so much. I was not focusing on the great NSV's like needing a new belt because my belt is now too big, or how much stronger I am or how I am so much fitter I am in general. All I could see was that stupid number on the scale not moving and it was dictating my life and mood.

    Good for you! So true!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Your avatar pic is freaking me way out.

    Anyway, yeah, I can relate a little bit. I weigh every single morning. I think sometimes I'll eat "badly" but be right at my calorie goal and then lose, so I'll get really careless and not eat as healthy as I should and then it bites me in the rear and I'm up 1-2 lb for a few days. I do not like to see the number go up. I am fine with it staying the same for up to 10 days at a time but then it needs to go down, even by a tiny bit.

    Weirdly I have been losing about 6-7 lb a month in the past 2 months, and it comes off right before my period 4-5 lb all at once, within like 2 days, and doesn't come back. But then I lose very very slowly the rest of the month.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    I get like this from time to time. :( Other life problems don't help either..
  • I too have been struggling with the numbers game... GGGRRR!!! So I decided to take the focus off the number and start trusting/working the process. I have placed a vow to myself not to weigh in for a month and continue working my program. I am going to place more value on how I feel and look vs a number. I think this is a healthy way to break that cycle. Best of luck, hope this helps!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Surprisingly, this time around the scale is inspiring me. It keeps me on track to weigh every morning, and reminds me of why I am doing what I'm doing. I don't freak out about staying the same weight (because at least I'm not gaining) and I don't freak out about 1.5 lb extra -- because now I know when I've eaten a lot of sodium and it's water weight.

    And now that I know just how much you have to eat to gain a pound, I don't panic about small, temporary water weight gains (I was at first).

    Usually, the scale puts me in a GOOD mood. Because regardless of how far I have to go, that number showing up shows my progress, strength, and is better than I was a month ago.

    This is kind of how I feel, too! Great post!!
  • wesleycneill
    wesleycneill Posts: 64 Member
    Don't look at the scale. Look in the mirror.

    Do you see results? Good. Who cares about the numbers. They will drag you down.

    Weight fluctuates day to day. If you want it, if you work for it, you will achieve it. Numbers are instant gratification, and instant gratification is why most people are fat. Live with out it. Make the choice to be healthy, and change will come.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    I used to let it crush me. What I have learned is that for the most part it really isn't a good indicator of your progress. The scale can fluctuate for me up to five lbs one day to the next. I still step on it but only use it as a very loose guide as to my progress. The weight loss has really slowed down on the scale, but my body size has changed immensely. I weigh about the same as I did last year at this time but I'm so much leaner and tighter now than I was then. I have been lifting heavy and working hard. If I used the scale as the only indicator of my progress I'd be suicidal by now.
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    I too have been struggling with the numbers game... GGGRRR!!! So I decided to take the focus off the number and start trusting/working the process. I have placed a vow to myself not to weigh in for a month and continue working my program. I am going to place more value on how I feel and look vs a number. I think this is a healthy way to break that cycle. Best of luck, hope this helps!

    I like this! I'll join you in this thinking!
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    Don't look at the scale. Look in the mirror.

    Do you see results? Good. Who cares about the numbers. They will drag you down.

    Weight fluctuates day to day. If you want it, if you work for it, you will achieve it. Numbers are instant gratification, and instant gratification is why most people are fat. Live with out it. Make the choice to be healthy, and change will come.

    Thank you!
    Very well said!
    I think I will take your advice!
    Much apprciated! :flowerforyou:
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I weigh every day ( I know I shoudn't..sue me) It totally messes with me! If it's a good number I'm in a great mood, if it's bad I'm pissy all day!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I haven't weighed myself in months. I go by how my clothes are fitting. When they don't fit like i remember i go back to a calorie deficit till they fit right. I was obsessed with the scale.
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    My scale does not move! It makes me feel crappy. I am losing inches not pounds which is suppose to be good. I jyst wish I could see the scale move. Im a size 12 from a 16 but weigh 185. My goal weight is 135 and been at it going on 4 mths starting at 198. I hate the scale!
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    No. The scale has no power over me. Never has and never will.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Yes. The scale number means a lot to me right now. For that reason I only weigh myself once a month, when I'm pretty sure I lost weight. What I enjoy doing much more is measuring my waist, I do that any morning, it always makes me smile going from 40 s to 26 or so. The scale is too emotional for me and determines how I proceed next, it also totally affects my mood. The measuring tape is always fun.