HEY!! but instead of losing weight...i need to gain weight!

skinnybeast Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
hey, so ive just joined...and im wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing i am. i need to gain weight :( and its the hardest thing EVER cuz im recovering from anorexia :( need some support!


  • not in the same situation but here for support !!! Good luck !!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I wish you well in recovering from this very serious, life-threatening condition. The basic principles of calorie-counting are just as effective for GAINING weight as they are for losing. In your case, you need to set your goals appropriately. You can choose to maintain a weight or gain, according to how you fill in your goals.

    It isn't just counting calories, however, as you need to be mindful of what kind of calories you are consuming. I can suggest nuts, avocado, all natural peanut and almond butters are all calorie dense foods that have good nutrition in them. You can use whole milk, fruit, yogurt (not the non-fat type) and a good quality protein powder a blender to make a smoothie that will be tasty, and good for you too.

    I am sure others can suggest additional ideas for weight gain.
  • wan2b21
    wan2b21 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your bouts with anorexia. You can do this and the goal of this site is to get you fit!! We are all here to support you!
  • I recently got back into shape, losing over 30lbs! And now I am pregnant, which is AWESOME! But I am also having a hard time gaining. My mind tells me that I should be freaking out about gaining the weight, and my body is not accepting the food too well, either!
    Hang in there! If you can, use the mobile application for your phone or plan out what you are going to eat the day before. Make sure you are eatting the right types of food so that you are gaining 'good weight' - not fat. Eat a lot of complex carbs (whole wheat) and protein, as well as friuts and veggies! Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep. I know at 19, I was lucky if I got 5-6hrs.
    You can and will do this!
  • thanks guys! this means a whole lot to me. ive been struggling to gain some weight for a long time. i went from binging to just about eating everything in my house! now im eating healthy, but my family doesnt quite understand... :( i feel alone going through this, but im hoping for a good recovery while going through this program :) optimism is the only choice right now
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Hey hun,

    Welcome - hope you find a lot of support here to achieve your goals at the end of the day we are all here to be healthier and better to our bodies, no matter how we have been abusing them. I just wanted to let you know I am a "recovered" anorexic/bulimic and 6 years ago I was in the same place - having to eat but not being able to think of anything more gut-wrenching, heart shakingly terrifying or repulsive than doing it - so if you ever want advice or support or just someone to rant to feel free to drop me a line any time :) Good luck babe - and keep knowing the other side is so much brighter and better and totally worth it xx
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