Snacks and Timing

So lately I've been super craving snacks. I get up around 5:15 and have a cup of coffee. Walk a mile to be at work by 7am. I eat breakfast around 7:45am - I drink a cup of coffee and three glasses of water before lunch - I'm dying for lunch by 11:30am and have to struggle to make it there - lately I've been nibbling (not good nibbling) around 9:30 - 10am. - I drink another three glasses of water after lunch. Then around 1:30 - 2p I'm dying for "after school milk and cookies". I walk a mile home around 3:30 or 4pm. I usually eat dinner around 5 - 5:30pm to avoid snarfing anything I can find in the house when I get home from work.

I know my lunch is lacking in protein which will probably help. I tried eating breakfast later this morning today, it sort of curbed the morning snack. But I was still dying for lunch by noon. I eat both breakfast and lunch at work so they need to be relatively portable and snarfable between guests needs, housekeeper needs and phone calls (I don't really get a real lunch break).

My Kashi Bar is a nice afternoon snack that I recently discovered again (rather than previously having nothing available and eating raw cookie dough - bad - bad - bad). I also like to save a bunch of calories for dinner so I eat a light lunch. I can't eat nuts - no allergies, just no self control, I love, love, love them. If I then have calories leftover I usually have a 1/2 cup of yogurt with chocolate, fruit or nuts.

I guess by writing all this down I've talked myself into eating breakfast later in the day - avoiding the mid-morning snack - trying to extend lunch a little later in the day and adding a protein - eating a better quality afternoon snack - and keeping dinner as is.

I'm also wondering how much of my snacking is from boredom. All snack times come at transition times during my day - and what better transition than a snack :)

Thanks for letting me work this out with y'all. Any thoughts or alternate suggestions would be much appreciated.

(If you do look at my diary - I try to leave 100 - 200 calories leftover for my nibbling habits which I'm sure easily consumes that.)


  • changemymind
    Maybe you should bring some green tea in a flask and when you feel hungry drink some of it. Also you could bring some fruit that won't get bruised easily and keep it in your bag. It's probably really hard for you because of the time you wake up but if you add fruit to you breakfast it would lengthen it and give you added goodness. As with the snacking you could tell yourself something like 'a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips' and see if that helps you. Anyway good luck and sorry if I kept repeating myself. :D