new member

thrilla83 Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Looking to change my eating habits. I've always lifted weights and played sports for many years but never cut out the junk that I was eating. Unfortunately I have a salty tooth and love my chips and pop and ofcourse the occassional icecream but now that I am getting older and seeing my motabolism slow down, I have to start thinking about the long run. I'm really looking forward to meeting all you beautiful people and getting the support and motivation that I so desperately need. Cheers!

Decide, Committ, Succeed


  • melsdonuts
    melsdonuts Posts: 5 Member
    New to my firness pal and loving it. I hoping that this will help my be organized and help with my success of a healthy life. Thank you to whom ever put this site in motion. Terrific, just terrific.
  • melsdonuts
    melsdonuts Posts: 5 Member
    I am a new memebr as well and have been pretty active my whole life but now as I get older it is much harder to jump back, lose weight but mostly staying motivated. I just am having trouble sticking to a program for any length of time. I do great and then BOOM, I have my own buffet at home while watching tv. On those days I live in Loserville next to Stupidtown. I resorted to eating whole food. No sugar, 100% whole wheat, low fat, low carb and NOTHING processed. So far I have lost over 40 pounds. I can still eat the "junk" but I make it and replace the bad parts with healthy ingredients. Good to see you here, I just love this site, I hope it sticks. I have 40 more to go. Cheers.
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