I have a goal .............

I'm losing weight for me, to be healthy & get back to feeling good about myself & while its a daily thing I've not set myself a goal apart from losing 91 lbs - that's sure big enough of a goal. Now I have something to achieve in the short term - going away for a weekend in Nov with my better half & I have a dress which I bought last year as it was cheap & very cute with the aim of fitting into it. I can fit into it now but it just doesn't look good & for one I don't think the zip would hold!!!!! that's not a lie I'm surprised I didn't burst through it just trying it on. So my goal is to fit into this dress & look fab for our weekend away - I've 8 weeks & everytime I think of slipping up I'm going to have to picture this dress & how good it will look with a pair of killer heels & less of a wobbly tummy !!!
