I need a kick in the pants.

I started trying to lose weight on March 8, 2013. I've lost 20 pounds since then and several inches (6 off my waist, 4 off my hips, and 4 off my bust). I'm 5'7" and 195 lbs. I had my body fat tested in a bod pod and it's 46%.

I am CLEARLY not done.

The motivation just isn't there anymore. At the beginning I was working out every single day (doing simple calisthenics, yoga, and pilates depending on my mood/energy level). I don't have money for a gym so I have to work out at home or outside. My cal goal was 1200 and I would make myself exercise to be able to eat any more than that. I recently changed my settings to 1/lb a week weightloss, which allows for 1560 cals. I'm over every day. I don't exercise anymore. I give into every craving. On the bright side I haven't gained anything back.

I'm not sure what will get me back at it with the same enthusiasm I had at the beginning. I thought I just needed a break but I haven't seen much progress since June, so something needs to change.

Any advice??


  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    you can use youtube for work outs or fitnessblender.com. its worth it to continue yes this is a life style change
  • crapshack
    crapshack Posts: 30 Member
  • crapshack
    crapshack Posts: 30 Member
    you can use youtube for work outs or fitnessblender.com. its worth it to continue yes this is a life style change

    That's funny I was using fitnessblender! I really loved the site when I was using it. I'm limited to level 2 workouts, I can do a couple level 3, but they were super hard and I could never finish them. I did the level 2 ones so many times I got bored with them.
  • toolzz
    toolzz Posts: 163 Member
    You just need to get up tomorrow morning and treat yourself and your body with respect. Feed it good, healthy foods and move it anyway that works for you. Take a walk, ride a bike, do a work out dvd or youtube. We all have to push ourselves sometimes. It's worth it. You're worth it.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    maybe that was the problem (working out ever day??) you got bored with it, you need to change it up do different exercises......jog, roller skate, hula-hoop or jump rope. I don't know what you were doing but these might help you get back into it and they are fun.

    hope you get back..
  • sarabreck
    sarabreck Posts: 16 Member
    I find myself in the same boat every time I hit that 20 lb mark. The weight loss starts to slow down, and the same effort doesn't give the same results, so I get discouraged. Or I tell myself, I deserve a break after all my hard work, and then I backslide completely and give up until the next time I want to look good for a wedding. So lately, I've just tried to have something always coming up that I want to be fit for- a vacation, a hike, a night out. It helps a lot, but motivation is a real problem for me too.

    If you have a friend that is about your same fitness level, try working out together. I've read that working out with a partner or group motivates you to not skip workouts, since you'd be letting the other person down, and not just yourself.
  • desirail
    desirail Posts: 49 Member
    I tend to do this as well. You have to remember that it's a lifestyle change, not something that changes over night. You have to make it a habit to eat the right foods, exercise, get enough sleep, etc. I am in my sixth week of weight loss for the umpteenth time in my life. This time I'm trying to make better choices throughout the day. I'm watching my "healthy friends" to see how they're eating or what they're doing to counteract the calories. There are multiple choices you have to make on a daily, hour by hour, minute by minute basis. Find a friend that will keep you accountable for what you've had to eat, if you've walked your ten minutes for the day, or had your water intake for the day. Change one thing at a time if that's what it takes. Maybe start out with making sure you're getting enough sleep at night. After that, try increasing your water. Then reduce the calories back slowly. It's a long tough road ahead, but remember that the hare didn't win in the end! Good luck with your journey.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    Switching it up really helps me, because I get in a mind rut as well as a weight loss rut.

    My favorite exercise is to walk outside - I have joined a couple of different walking groups through Meetup.com. It keeps things fresh for me because we walk places that I would normally not travel to, and meet other people who are interested in some of the same things.

    In September, I am going to start with a Square Dance group! I can't bear the thought of walking on a dreadmill...err, treadmill all winter, so I am trying to find more things to do that are fun.

    You can switch up your food too.

    Depending on what you are eating for your plan, you could make a commitment to try one new food a week. Or, eat in silence for a meal (practicing mindfulness - more at this site: http://www.savorthebook.com/blog). Or, take a cooking class to learn a new cuisine. I finally went back to the Farmer's Market and just marveled at everything that is available. You could join a CSA and have lots of produce to experiment with.
  • crapshack
    crapshack Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone
  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    If u can get your hands on a Malibu Pilates chair (check Craigslist) GET ONE! It's so addicting!!
    I'm just getting back in to my routine and I love to change it up by doing cardio/treadmill circuit training w weights and a couple days on my chair! A great rounded workout! Keeps things fun and not so monotonous! Good luck!! You can do it!!
  • LadyL001
    I have a Malibu Pilates chair and was wondering how you track the work out with MFP
  • lambchoplewis
    Motivation - wow isn't that just what all of us need. I got motivated to lose weight when I got sick of listening to my girlfriends brag about losing 10 lbs in a month on a cleanse or diet things like Advocare etc. I decided to just say nothing and do MFP. I started weighing myself every day (very controversial), logging food and exercise and reading these motivational posts every day. I lost the weight. As soon as I stopped this regiment, I gained 10 lbs back. I am back on track and need to remember my original motivation and how good it felt to walk into a room with these friends who gained the "fast weight loss" back.

    Nothing tastes as good as thin feels
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Check you local community center or high school to see if they have some no or low cost classes to get you accountable and moving again.