How often do you weigh in?

I'm weighing in every Wednesday. I feel like it's a neutral day :)

I am dreading weighing in tomorrow though. I don't know why, but I feel like I've gained back the weight I've lost. Just a feeling, I've stayed within my calorie goals, sticking around 1200/day and working out on a strict regimen.

Why is it that I feel like I've failed already? I have no real proof, only how I feel. Pants aren't tight, nothing like that, maybe I just feel bloated...


  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    I won't lie.... I weigh everyday as a guideline to see what foods may be affecting me in either a negative or a positive way. However, I don't let it play with my mind. My true picture is every Monday weigh in.
  • CrisAlex
    CrisAlex Posts: 236 Member
    Not often enough. I used to weigh myself 1-2x a week and kept on track. I just weighed myself for the first time in months and I've gained:(
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    I weigh myself almost every day. Noisy data doesn't bother me.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I weigh in every day and use weightgrapher to smooth out the bumps. I don't think everyone should weigh daily though, it can play some wicked tricks on your mind. Don't worry if your weigh in tomorrow goes well or not, it's just a check in to see how you're doing. If you've gained, look back at your diary and see what you could have done better!
  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    I don't often weigh in. I keep a very close eye on my daily calorie allowance, to make sure I don't exceed, and make sure that I get regular exercise. At best, I probably weigh in once a week.
  • dizzysmile
    dizzysmile Posts: 71 Member
    Every single morning after using the bathroom, and I take notes of everything that may apply (menstrual cycle, high sodium meals, lack of sleep, sore muscles, etc). Over time this has allowed me to see that even when there's a random 5lb spike in my weight, I haven't actually gained fat. Seconding WeightGrapher, here, too. It really is awesome.

    Weight loss is far from linear; my chart looks totally crazy up close but when you zoom out and see the whole picture, the trend is most definitely consistently downward. This has allowed me to avoid feeling crappy on those days where I weigh in and see that I either haven't lost anything or that my weight has increased; I know how it works now. My normal weigh-in day was Thursday before and when I decided to start daily weigh-ins that Wednesday, I saw a 1lb drop on Wednesday, "gained" it back Thursday and a 2lb drop on Friday. Had I only weighed on Thursday I'd have thought I'd lost nothing that week when I had actually lost ~3lbs!
  • waipepe
    waipepe Posts: 110 Member
    every gives me an indication of how much I retain water after eating something high in sodium. I only log if I have lost about 2lbs though
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I weigh daily and let sort it out for me. More data points = better trend analysis, and seeing how the scale fluctuates daily has actually made me less stressed about it.
  • KiwiJewels
    KiwiJewels Posts: 36 Member
    I weigh in once a week as well - if you do the research, that's the most recommended way to do it :-) Daily I would find too stressful as there are so many factors that can cause loss or gain and you can't keep up with them all!

    Bite the bullet and weigh tomorrow and I imagine you'll be pleasantly surprised (the one advantage to fearing the worst! haha). I remember, when I did Jenny Craig, aImost every week, when it came to weigh in, I'd feel like I'd done really badly, and was always surprised to find I'd lost weight, so it's not a realistic fear, just our own minds messing with us! :-) Even the next week, I'd feel like the loss the previous week was a fluke, and that this week the truth would out lol

    When you get to maintenance, it doesn't need to be as often (I was doing it every month), but I think you still need to weigh in on a regular basis, so if there's an upward trend, it won't be huge, and you can reverse it fairly easily :-)

    Make sure you come back and tell us how you went! :-)
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    Been stressed a lot lately and my calories and workouts have been a little more than weekly. I wouldn't worry about it!
  • stevesgirl824
    stevesgirl824 Posts: 74 Member
    Once a week. I don't want my weight loss journey to be about the number on the scale and if I weigh in much more than that, I let it mess with my head.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I weigh every day, but log it once a week. The daily weights allow me to make adjustments as necessary
  • LeviLeDoux
    LeviLeDoux Posts: 151 Member
    I weigh daily and only log if I have a new low. :flowerforyou:
  • denfrank
    denfrank Posts: 18 Member
    Monthly, otherwise its an OCD thang.
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    I weigh in almost every day, but I log my weight once a week, or once every ten days. I do the every-day thing just to check I'm still in the same weight range as on my actual weigh-in day. Sometimes I go up a couple of pounds, sometimes I go down (especially after +10mi runs, lol)... but weight is just an indicator for me now. I'm more concerned about my measurements and my performance when I run or cycle.
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    Well, I weigh in once per week in order to log weight progress. I also weigh myself everytime before I go out for a run and when I get back because I want to find out what amount of fluids I lose through sweating and figure out in what rate I should be replenishing during my long runs.