back again and hungry...HELP!

I'm back! Tried to do this on my own...miss the support I got from here. I don't want to set myself up to fail so I set my goal at 43 pounds but probably could afford to lose a few more. Could use a few friends to push me and keep me on track.... I'm having a hard time with feeling hungry....I'm trying. Any suggestions????


  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Wish I had a solution to offer you. Sometimes, you just have to be hungry.

    That being said, I have been doing reading that suggests that cardio exercise can help curb appetites.
  • SandraJ72
    SandraJ72 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I'm just back here again too and am also looking for a few new friends for support and encouragment on those tough days. I'll add you as friend :)

  • msmaggie154
    great Sandra thanks!!!
  • molinaad
    molinaad Posts: 18 Member
    try drinking ice with water or chewing gum. Feel free to add me
  • bharris78
    bharris78 Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I have more to lose than you, but I get hungry and discouraged easily so I need all the support we can get.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1. Make sure you're eating at a reasonable calorie level. A lot of people jump straight to 1200 or fewer calories without taking the time to determine whether or not it's right for their body and activity level.

    2. Eat more protein, fats, and fiber. These help us stay full and feel more satisfied.

    3. Drink plenty of water.

    4. When all else fails, wait for the body to adjust to your new regime.
  • msmaggie154
    Thanks all.....will try some of your suggestions. This is harder than it looks....but I appreciate the support
  • livelovelaugh91897
    livelovelaugh91897 Posts: 27 Member
    hello, I understand what you are going through. Some things that I try is drinking a lot of water until I fell like I'm no hungry, or eat celery that is negative calorie or zero. So you're eating, but nothing with calories. Or you could try to occupy your self with walking or doing anything that doesn't have anything to do with the tv because television has a lot of food commercials. You should add me, friends make everything fun and fun makes the journey easier.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Make good food choices. Really, if you eat well, you will be able to eat a lot more. I can definitely get hungry, but lately, I've been finding that I have calories left over in the evening that I should have eaten in the afternoon when I was hungry So I'll probably mix that up a bit.