Fitbit - Negative Calories - Help?

I usually sync Fitbit for the last time around 11:30 PM and then check MFP to make sure I was within my range. It will say something like 20 calories left for the day or maybe I'm 30 over. No big deal.

Then, when I get up in the morning, it shows I was over by something like 400. Eek!

I sync every couple hours just to make sure I'm staying in line throughout the day. Sometimes the number goes lower if I don't move as much once I'm home, so I eat a light dinner and snack on veggies. Sometimes I walk up and down my stairs to get more activity in to make up for it, etc.

Since I sync right before midnight, why on earth would there be a huge adjustment overnight like that? I'm getting pretty sick and tired of it because I want to stay within my calories. I could understand maybe 50-100, but 400-500 when I just synced a few minutes before midnight? Can anyone explain that? Please? :)


  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    What is your activity setting on MFP?

    I set mine to sedentary, even though I am anything but sedentary. Then my calorie allowance starts low and MFP doesn't really expect much. If I don't work out immediately upon getting up, I will see the negative calorie adjustment kick in. But as soon as I get in my first workout, I think I've pretty much exceeded MFP's expectations based on my sedentary setting, and then my Fitbit adjustments trickle in as I continue to be active and workout throughout the day.

    If you have told MFP that you are active ...and then your Fitbit sync lets MFP know that you actually weren't that active (you actually did not move as much as MFP thought you would based on the active setting) then the negative adjustments will kick in. They should be proportioned out a bit throughout the day, but until the day is officially over, MFP doesn't know if you still might get in that last workout.

    My suggestion would be to switch your MFP setting to sedentary and see how that works. You shouldn't see the negative adjustments kick in as much on that setting and it should be more consistent throughout the day. Your calorie allowance will be lower to start, but will increase with your activity. It really helps me to do it this way than to see a large allowance to start and then have it go DOWN ... I may have already eaten those calories!
  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    I have it set to sedentary. I should have mentioned that. :)

    I haven't worked out the past week because I have, literally, been getting four hours of sleep every night and either working or writing my thesis. Since I work 50-60 hours per week and have class twice per week, I can really only work out on weekends. This thing is due Friday.

    Hopefully, I won't see the calorie issues once I start swimming and jogging again.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    Hmmm ... what do you have your MFP weight loss set to? What is your daily calorie allowance? I know MFP won't set anything under 1200, but I'm not sure the "negative adjustment" will take that into consideration. Maybe that has something to do with it.

    It is hard if you aren't able to be active! Hopefully the weird numbers do have something to do with that and when you get active again you won't see the shift. Good luck on your thesis!
  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    I have it set to two pounds per week, and my daily allowance is 1660.
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    Check your time zone on the fitbit site (Under settings). It might not be the correct time for you, and so you think you are syncing right before midnight, but you are not.
  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    The time zone is correct. My Fitbit matches my time zone too.

    It happened again last night. I checked at 12:15 AM, and it said I was about 200 calories over for yesterday, but when I woke up this morning, it said I was 900 calories over. /rageface

    How could it be one way after midnight and then another way this morning? I figured since I checked at 12:15 AM, yesterday's numbers were final.
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    How about not enabling negative adjustments? I don't enable negative calorie adjustments with fitbit and I've definitely never had the problem you are describing.
  • abneys
    abneys Posts: 30
  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    Someone else (in the Fitbit group) figured it out. MFP is about four hours behind my Fitbit sync times.
  • ohiostatefan606
    I know this an older post, but THANK YOU for the great explanation. I just got my Fitbit about 10 days ago and was having trouble with the negative calories. Seriously, you just made my day!