I'm back...

My name is Michelle. I am a single mom of a beautiful 7 year old little girl. It's been while since I have actually made a serious attempt at this. Last time I used MyFitnessPal, I lost about 50lbs in 3 months. I was determined to stick with it. Well then, life happened. I lost enough weight to make myself feel better and I actually got out and was social again. However, I have fell back into the habit of eating like crap and being lazy. I am starting to slip back into my depression and don't want to be social anymore. I started tracking my calories again today and went for a walk with my daughter. I know this isn't going to be easy but it's something I need to do. I seem to have lost a lot of my friends on here since I have been slacking. So send me a friends request so we can motivate each other. If it wasn't for the support I got on here before I would've never lost that 50lbs. :)


  • MarvicsMommy
    MarvicsMommy Posts: 9 Member
    awwwwwwwwwww dont worry after i had my son i had lost 35 lbs and gained almost every pound back... as of right now I've bn slacking horribly only because ive noticed my problems is i eat the same thing all the time! so looking for new recipes but anywho also looking for support so ill add you!!! ^.^ we can do it!
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    I'm still here Michelle! I did my fair share of backsliding myself, gained back 40 of the 75 lbs that I lost in the first year. I am trying to get back on track myself. Let me know if I can help!
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    Have you looked on Pinterest for new recipes? There are so many good healthy ones on there.
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks Tim_Jennings :)
  • SymphonyTea
    I've taken some pretty hard falls off the health wagon, quite a few times (unfortunately) but as Life does happen, I've gotten pretty good at getting back up, dusting off the dirt & getting right back up on the wagon. The most important thing for me is that, through all the hoop-la, my sense of humor has remained intact & I say that it's mandatory to LOL at least 3 times a day. Please feel free to send a friend-request, I've been pro-active since 7/8/13 & ritualistically log in the Food & Exercise Diary.

    Best of Weight-Loss to U & all the other dieters on the health wagon.
    Peace, Joy & (in a dream world, calorie-free) Cupcakes ~T.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    I, too, am a single mom. I have a 7 year old son. I was in the best shape of my life 2 years ago but after I met my goal i completely lost control of my eating. I have never had a problem with the number on the scale but have hit the age where I am now having to work for a healthy weight. I have gained 10 pounds just this year and am fed up with how I feel. If I don't reverse this now, I never will. I have lost my energy and my confidence.

    Between work, my son's homework, baseball practice/games and keeping up the house I feel like I have no time. But if I am completely honest, I am full of excuses. You are off to a fantastic start by walking with your daughter. What a great way for both of you to stay healthy and chat and have some great bonding moments.

    Today is my first day back at this. We can do this! No more excuses. Let's show our kids how much we love them by keeping ourselves happy and healthy so we can be here for them and be able to participate in their lives. Sending a friend request...
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    We got this!

    I, too, am a single mom. I have a 7 year old son. I was in the best shape of my life 2 years ago but after I met my goal i completely lost control of my eating. I have never had a problem with the number on the scale but have hit the age where I am now having to work for a healthy weight. I have gained 10 pounds just this year and am fed up with how I feel. If I don't reverse this now, I never will. I have lost my energy and my confidence.

    Between work, my son's homework, baseball practice/games and keeping up the house I feel like I have no time. But if I am completely honest, I am full of excuses. You are off to a fantastic start by walking with your daughter. What a great way for both of you to stay healthy and chat and have some great bonding moments.

    Today is my first day back at this. We can do this! No more excuses. Let's show our kids how much we love them by keeping ourselves happy and healthy so we can be here for them and be able to participate in their lives. Sending a friend request...
  • 2tired2think
    2tired2think Posts: 36 Member
    I too am a returning user who has put back on some weight that was previously lost. In fact, I just posted in this forum looking for returning users like me! I'm so happy to find you! Best wishes for success!