60lbs Down! Young Mum with 10 Month Old :)

claire671 Posts: 93 Member
Time for me to share my updated story!

My name is Claire and I am 25 from Scotland. I had my son on 24th October 2012 and in February this year I joined MFP to help me get back to my pre pregnancy weight. Before becoming pregnant I was around a stone (14lbs) overweight and had been on numerous diets. Pills, shakes, Slimming World etc and never getting to where I wanted to be. I had no idea how simple to use MFP would be and just how straight forward it was to lose weight!

Before I had my son I weighed 212lbs (15st 2lbs): My son was 9lb 12oz of that, hence the HUGE bump!



6 weeks after he was born I weighed 200lbs (14st 4lbs):



I started making better food choices and walking a bit more. I managed to lose 18lbs myself before beginning logging with MFP in February.

I weighed 182lbs (13st) when I realised I seriously needed to do more:



My MFP story:

I learned SO much from this place. Reading the forums and all the amazing help from everyone on my friends list. Realising you can eat and lose weight! I've had good days and bad, some days where I've eaten really well and others where I've been a good 1000 calories over my goal. But I logged it all, even the bad days, even when I didn't feel like it because I knew a good day would be coming and I'd regret not doing it!

I began taking measurements and pictures to document my progress and that helped me more than seeing the number on the scale move. There are times now when I look in the mirror and still see that fat girl so I get my photos out to remind me of how far I have come. When I reached my pre pregnancy weight (164lbs/11st 10) I couldn't believe it, I was over the moon and kept on going wondering if I would see my 'ultimate goal weight' and then when I reached THAT (150lbs/10st10) I nearly fell over!!! So I upped my calories and ate a bit more....and continued to lose.....and lose.....and now I am weighing in at 140lbs/10st. Total Loss 60lbs (4st 4) Never did I think I would get here!

I did one round of 30 Day Shred, then one round of Ripped in 30, a mixture of other Jillian MIchaels' DVDs, a couple weeks of nothing and now I am about to begin week 3 of a C25K program. I ate around 1500 calories a day, right now I'm sitting at 1680 and plan to keep on increasing until I maintain. Inches are my focus now.

Here are some of my measurements (25th Mar is the day I started 30 Day Shred):

25 Mar - 13 Aug

Height: 5'5

Chest: 33.5 / 28.5 = 4.75 inches lost
Waist: 40.5 / 33.25 = 7.25 inches lost
Hips: 43.5 / 38.75 = 4.75 inches lost
Left Thigh: 23 / 21 = 2 inches lost
Right Thigh: 23 / 20 = 3 inches lost
Left Arm: 12 / 10.25 = 1.75 inches lost
Right Arm: 12.5 / 10.5 = 2 inches lost
Dress Size: UK 18 to UK 10/12

And now for the pictures! My massive son wrecked my stomach and left crazy stretch marks which I hope one day will resemble something slightly less awful but hey, it's the body I have so here we go:

From the day I started logging, 25 Feb 2013, to 13 Aug 2013:




Me and my boy who is now nearly 10 months old:


Thank you for reading it all! I am honestly so proud of what I have achieved and I still have some way to go but I will get there! Thanks again to MFP!!!



  • MrBecky
    MrBecky Posts: 55 Member

    You have done amazingly and you look incredible! Well done.

    I absolutely LOVE seeing the before and afters of women who have had a baby, stretchmarks and all - it just goes to show that you can still lose the weight and look amazing afterwards. I have a 6 and a half month old son and a similar starting weight (199lbs) and goal (150lbs) to you so this post has been soooo motivating for me! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!
  • addokai
    addokai Posts: 68 Member
    Such an inspiration!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Aww, Claire! You look FANTASTIC, and I think you're feeling pretty great as well. Total win! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • nemain31
    nemain31 Posts: 2 Member
    Just wanted to say that you look fantastic and very, very happy!
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    Congrats on awesome weight loss.....I myself had my second baby last September...and started my weight loss journey this march....I too finished jillians 30DS and RI30....currently doing second round of RI30 alternating between week 1 2 and 3 each day...Ian still not at my goal weight though.....stii have another 20 lbs to go.....hoping to reach there soon.....:)
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    well done Im 5"5 too and had my second son october 2012 and have got past my pre pregnancy weight. I was 180lb when I had him now im down to 149lbs my long term goal is 130lbs or so. You look great x
  • mz_grim
    mz_grim Posts: 58 Member
    wow you look great, you are an inspiration !!
  • PipsPolenastics
    PipsPolenastics Posts: 5 Member
    Great job! Well done =D
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Woow you look amazing! Whats the recipe?

  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Congratulations! You look beautiful! Absolutely stunning! Your baby is cute too, congratulations.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Well done you! You are right to be proud, you've done an amazing job :)
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    Well done Claire. I'm always on your profile coz you're such an inspiration. Well done babe.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Wow what an amazing job you have done! You look FABulous!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    What an wonderful inspiration you are! Great learning also to help your son as he grows. Congratulations! You look wonderful!
  • itzehoe
    itzehoe Posts: 614 Member
  • ladylalaland
    ladylalaland Posts: 53 Member
    Hi from another member in Scotland - you look absolutely sensational!!! Such a transformation, you must be chuffed to bits x
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! Really appreciate all of your kind words!
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    Great job! Mommy stories are always my favorite because I know how much dedication it takes! ;)

    Also, you are absolutely gorgeous at any weight and I hope its not creepy to say that.
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    Great job! Mommy stories are always my favorite because I know how much dedication it takes! ;)

    Also, you are absolutely gorgeous at any weight and I hope its not creepy to say that.

    Not creepy at all, thank you! :)
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