Dukan Diet about to start

Hi I have gone up and down on the weight scale, but realise I need to get healthy and make a heavy commitment. I am about to embark upon the Dukan journey (without personalised "coaching" you pay for) and follow the 100 rule for the 4 phases.

I would love to have some others on board, please add me bethellenmitchell or also if you have instagram i have started an account to follow others as well as log my journey. the username is aussiedukan

My goal weight is 77 kg by Christmas so i can be ready to hit phase 3.

Thanks !


  • shirlmal
    Hi started dukan diet Monday lost 3lb first day and 2lb today I think that's pretty good? I am not ver adventurous when I am on a diet dukan is easy to follow there is a list of cans and a list of cants visits my dukan diet.com that gives loads of information and ideas for meals. Good luck
  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    Good luck! I've heard of this diet but don't know anything about it. But I like the "100 rules" part! I do well with a lot of routine. Let us know how you go! :)
  • PashCaline
    PashCaline Posts: 22 Member
    I will start on Monday 26 next week. I have done it 2 years ago and I put all the weight lost back on. The phase 4 it's the hardest for me. Now I learned my lessons I will do the phase 3 basics for the rest all my life. By Christmas I should have lost 15 kg (over 2 stones). I am very committed.