5:2 diet Yes or no?

Hi, I have only just started on MFP and am finding logging my daily food intake extremely helpful.

However, my mum and a colleague are doing the 5:2 fast diet, has anybody had any experience with this? I have to say I find it a little daunting having to go without food for quite a while like that and scared of overeating.

Any advise please let me know


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    There's been quite a bit of discussion on this recently - if you use the "search" function you'll find the discussion threads, which have a good bit of pros and cons.

    But you don't HAVE to do it just cos someone else is finding it good. It's an approach that really needs a positive mindset.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Resounding "yes" from me - been following this eating pattern for a year and intend carrying on for a very long time to come.
    It certainly doesn't work for everyone though.

    Do your own research - I think it's worth reading the book.
    Join the two groups for 5:2 fasters on here.
    See http://thefastdiet.co.uk/ for info.

    If you do decide to give it a go the first few fasts can be hard and it's worth experimenting how best to actually structure the two fasting days to suit you - within the few guidelines of the plan it's very flexible.
  • ames8311
    ames8311 Posts: 15
    Thank you very much, I will do exactly that
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    I'm doing a variation of the 5:2 diet. Basically I try to stay within my calorie counts for each day on MFP, but if I have a big meal or celebration where I overdo it, I will then skip a meal or two or use the 5:2 diet recipes to drastically decrease my calorie counts the next day.

    You really don't have to "fast". Just decrease a lot. And only if you aren't easily staying within calories during certain days for one reason or another. Or you can use MFP's calorie guidelines every day and make sure you stay within them!

    For me, the 5:2 gives me wiggle room. I can go to my friends bbq and eat what I want (within reason-ish) and have some beers/drinks, and the next day I skip breakfast, have a really light lunch, and a normal dinner. (By normal, I mean I normal portion sizes, not AMERICAN portion sizes)

    Sometimes staying within my calorie count isn't possible every day. This takes away my urge to say "screw it, I messed up, might as well really mess the whole week up".

    My best advice if you decide to do the 5:2 or a variation of it? Take your total calories for the WEEK and use that to guage your success. For me I use a notebook and start with my total weekly calories (9870) and subtract each day as I go along. I have the whole week plotted and will alert myself to days I know may be calorie killers.

    And drink tea when you're hungry. :)