ED recovery intake needed

Just curious because right now my nutritionist has be on lower intake (1600 my guess) and I "gained" a lb this week (only say it that way because been constipated and such and on Sun I hadn't gained...but today weigh in show .8-1 lb in week)....but I always thought you need 2500+ to gain in recovery. I am trying to trust but don't want my metabolism screwed forever. So has anyone been started on low intake and then had to have it increased? Or am I just gonna need low intake forever. I know IP before I needed high intake...I am just so scared now...and I want to trust my dietitian...maybe this is just me trying to control..I don't know what to do?
Also, anyone struggle to hoard intake till night time to avoid hunger?


  • katherinelangley
    As your current weight is low your body will need less to gain. However your body will adapt to the increase in food and you will need to increase to keep up weight gain. I upped from 1500 to 3000 calories and still only gained 1-2 pounds a week when increasing :-)
  • EmiBun
    EmiBun Posts: 84 Member
    My N had me go from 900 calories to 2000calories(this is a net, I've gotta eat what I burned) and I've actually stopped gaining or I I still do its microscopic. At one point I started losing weight because my body finally caught up with all te food and was able to metabolize it faster. I think she's building you up. You restrict until later in the day to eat so you eat late, and as more intake comes into play its going to be very unpleasant for you to eat 2500+ calories at night. You need to get timings down Jess. Breakfast should be no later than 9:30am. Lunch no later then 2:00pm, and dinner no later than 7ish Especially!--> if you have a nighttime snack.
    You need I shut your Ed brain off, your metabolism will do its thing once your body stops feeling like your never going to feed it. You need to gain fat on your body for your body to burn it off. It needs to know that it's not going to be hurt again, this means weight gain. It's not all going to be muscle. Except it. We're women, and we are not suppose to be all muscle.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Thanks gals...any other experiences?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have no clue what I recovered on because I recovered by myself, I never had any help when I was at my worst as I had a stupid village doctor who did nothing other than weigh me and tell my parents I would die in 24 hours. I simply went straight into eating again, and that was that. I did not have fear foods, i did not wish to die so I ate. I imagine your calories will be upped when needed. And once you are at a suitable weight, then you can focus on your desired body composition if you wish to have some decent lean muscle and lower fat. But only when you are fully focussed on a healthy goal will that be possible. I will not suggest when you eat as I myself tend to eat most of my food in the evening and night, but be warned this could set you up for binge type behaviour so you are better at least trying to have snacks, lunch and dinner, or breakfast, snacks and dinner.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    The logic to this is like this:

    When you starve your body, your body gets used to those calories to try maintain your weight because of drastic measures of the starving. So when you /do/ feed your body again your body does retain water/ fat because your body fears that you will starve it again and so by hoarding everything you give your body it'll protect your organs in case you go starving again. This does not last forever. But weight gain is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. So you can get up to a healthy weight.

    Your body will get used to high calories again while it's rebooting your metabolism, so don't worry just stick it out. It's had but it's part of recovery.
  • jessitherese
    jessitherese Posts: 22 Member
    All of the times that I was in treatment, I started low and gradually increased (slowly from 1800 to 3500, but that was because of how dangerously underweight I was). But that does not mean that 3500 is your dieticians plan for you! I know that it's a nightmare and it feels awful, but once you begin to get healthier, you will get put on a maintenance and maintenance will begin to feel more comfortable. Just hang in there. It may be difficult, but you have to trust your dietician--they are there to help you, not hurt you! It will get easier, you just have to trust it and give it time. Good luck!
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Just curious because right now my nutritionist has be on lower intake (1600 my guess) and I "gained" a lb this week (only say it that way because been constipated and such and on Sun I hadn't gained...but today weigh in show .8-1 lb in week)....but I always thought you need 2500+ to gain in recovery. I am trying to trust but don't want my metabolism screwed forever. So has anyone been started on low intake and then had to have it increased? Or am I just gonna need low intake forever. I know IP before I needed high intake...I am just so scared now...and I want to trust my dietitian...maybe this is just me trying to control..I don't know what to do?
    Also, anyone struggle to hoard intake till night time to avoid hunger?

    1600 is a good amt. I've been at 1200 here without an ED. You should be eating 3-6 meals a day...consistently! Water helps curb hunger....drink lots of it! You're likely to gain more for a little bit b/c your metabolism IS recovering - you are getting healthier. Just trust your nutritionist no matter how much you don't want to - they are professionals!! Once you get everything regulating normally and lose the weight you desire (assuming you're overweight and not under), you'll be able to increase your cals to maintain. You have to incorporate exercise...not only will you feel better...much more energetic/stronger, you will feel better mentally!! =))

    Take it one day at a time and keep with your nutritionists' recommendations! =)) I know you can do this! ED can be very harmful to your organs and everything if you let them go on too long. I'm no expert, but I seen my sister go through an ED 10+ yrs ago. Today, she's healthy, happy, eats in moderation and works out on the weekdays and lets loose on the weekends - eats what she wants. It didn't take her 10 yrs to recover...not trying to scare you...just sharing some info. =))
  • clairew1017
    clairew1017 Posts: 2 Member
    To function properly, the organs in the body need minimum 1200 calories! I was at a 1200 calorie diet ED and my nutritionist have now started me on a 2200 calorie diet! She said that since my metabolism is in starvation mode right now it is going to be uncomfortable adding more food (gas, bloating), plus fighting my ED brain telling me my body isn't good enough. But I think the higher calorie diet is worth it because the body needs calories to function and then extra to do all the things that you want to do! Also regarding a high calorie diet and not gaining weight she also said that plateauing for a little while is natural because the bodies metabolism after an ED has been changed so drastically
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Also another zombie thread