Newbie ready for new me!

Good morning! I am new to the weight loss community and taking a guess, I'm like most of you and would much rather not be here. Actually I am happy to see all the tools to help and support everyone in their goals. A year ago I had major spinal surgery and until this week it has been a year and a half since my athletic driven self saw the inside of a gym. I followed all the rules on the road of healing and in the process added 43 undesirable pounds. All my life I've been the one helping and encouraging friends through health and fitness, competing on world levels of athletics as a firefighter (now retired, no thank you spine) and now having witnessed first hand some of the issues added weight brings, it's fair to say I see things in a little different light. My two biggest obstacles are 1) I have to take this process sloooooooooooooooooooow, so I don't end up under the knife again. It is fair to say after a year and a half my patience are wearing very, very thin. 2) There is this terribly annoying voice in my head that isn't so nice, especially when I look in a mirror. I'm doing my best to get her out of my head because no one likes a bully, and quite frankly after 43 years it's time she take a vacation....a permanent one. I wish each and every one of you the successes you desire and a healthy, and happy long life. Very best, Angela


  • phillrn
    phillrn Posts: 338 Member
    I understand that patience is a virtue-one I also know nothing about:):) Good luck to you in this new endeavor. MFP is a great site for support and ideas....Welcome:)
  • mlinen23
    mlinen23 Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck to you.
  • Thank you both for taking the time to write and encourage me, I truly appreciate it.
  • Hi,

    Welcome!, I am sure through this virtual world of fitness, health, and support you will find great friends. I consider myself a good supporting "pal" you may add me as a friend if you wish. I appreciate friends that comment on posts as i will comment on your posts as well. I do have suggestions if you want them... (I know you did say yes but here is one) Make your diary viewable at least to your friends (mine is public, anyone can view it)... not because people will snoop but because it makes you more accountable... it seems weird to have people looking at what your eating and when but it helps you make right choices and might help friends see other food options. Then you can also add food notes like why you had the cookie at breakfast or ate only 3 chips. LOL

    I too have had invasive surgery so I understand the weight gain, the impatience, and the desire to feel capable. I had hip surgery in 2010 and for 12 weeks I wasn't allowed to walk, followed by 18 weeks of crutches then 36 weeks of physical therapy. I also had a tumor removed from my neck and had to sacrifice half my thyroid only two weeks after my hip surgery. So I totally understand the weight gain!... anyhow I wish you the best on your journey to a new you!

  • LemonLizard
    LemonLizard Posts: 86 Member
    I've just started, as well. Hopefully MFP can help.

    Best of luck, you've got this!
  • Thank you all for your insight and helpful hints and advice. I am still trying to figure out this website so if I haven't friended you or followed your good advice, I'lll get there, lol.
  • Makajo2013
    Makajo2013 Posts: 8 Member
    Just hang in there and you will end up where you want to be.
  • Hi everyone and how do you do? : ) l'm excited about the new world of fitness pal and would love to hear your success stories! l'm short and chubby and try to hide it all the time. Nevertheless, it's uncomfortable to lug spare tires around and have high cholesterol, acid reflux etc. Been to Weight watchers, nutra-system, group through a hospital, an expensive online program where you can phone a counselor etc... The worst was being a vegetarian and gaining thirty pounds! Lol lt seemed so healthy but of course when you're living on pasta, bread and cheese things go badly. Food journals have never been my fave, but this does seems user friendly and what have l got to lose?!
  • musicboxes
    musicboxes Posts: 133 Member
    You have found a great daily inspirational tool in MFP that will help you along your path & you will get the hang of it & you will love it. This is a great step to a new beginning in your life. We all have those "voices" in our heads that speak to why is it easier to believe the negative over the positive?? Believe in yourself, love yourself & become the person you want to me.
  • musicboxes
    musicboxes Posts: 133 Member
    I was amazed when I first started my daily tracking on MFP and was shocked to discover what I was really eating. No wonder I was in the shape I was in. So my advice is to be faithful in daily tracking everything you eat & drink. This is a learning process and you can reach the goals you set for yourself a step at a time. We are all here for you!
  • New myself and really really loving MFP. You can do it... my motto is baby steps are still steps!!!! just keep moving fwd! :)
  • tjmerc53
    tjmerc53 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to myfitnesspal as well although not new to trying to diet. So once again I am in the process of trying to get these unwanted pounds off my body. I am trying to be healthy, exercise three days a week. I am just sick and tired of being so big and not being able to buy cute clothes or do all the things I love. It is astounding to me how extra pounds can make everything more difficult.

    I understand how we all need support especially on those really tough days. I wish all of you the very best in your journey to a healthier you.
