Hi all, here I go again

hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member

I have tried so many different diets then I get bored and slip and the weight goes back on...I have been trying to lose a stone for the last 6 months which I know doesn't sound much but it just is not happening

So I thought I would fitness pal ago again as its been a while since I used it.

Any suggestion how to stick to the calories as I find 1300 calories a day so hard to stick to

thank you all


  • jilliangetsit
    jilliangetsit Posts: 97 Member
    Heya! I'd suggest trying some time of nutrition shake in the morning - for a breakfast substitute. Try and space meals and snacks about 2 and a half to 3 hours apart throughout the day and if you exceed your calorie limit for the day - walk/jog off the difference. Run Keeper is a really good app for tracking time/distance/calories burned when you walk/run. It's free and it has a gps function that will determine by how fast your'e moving and the distance you go - as to how many calories you will burn. Starting your day out with a breakfast shake will give you your daily vitamins and help curb your appetite/keep you from getting hungry before lunch time. I also try not to eat anything after 7pm. In summary, I start with a shake in the morning (they sell them at the dollar store here for $6 - they're only 250 calories and they actually taste good! (the chocolate kind) then I'll have a snack, like crackers/string cheese - something to tide me over around 10- 10:30 am. Lunch between 11:30-12 in the afternoon. Then another simple snack around 2:30ish and dinner between 4-5. Then I exercise after dinner to burn off any calories I'm over and sometimes even extra calories. Check out my food diary if you want, you can kind of get an idea of the things I'll have as a snack. :) add me if you want to. I've been consistantly logging my meals/exercise for 15 days and lost 5lbs (I live in the US and don't know the conversion from pounds to stone) How much is 1 stone btw? Just push yourself!! You can do it! Think of it this way, for all the things in you'r life that you don't have control over - your body is something you do have control over! It's just a matter of committing, and finding your will power. Good luck!! :))
  • angelac1296
    angelac1296 Posts: 48 Member
    I had to switch the kinds of foods I was eating a bit to feel like I was having enough to eat. I found adding a lot more fruit and veggies REALLY helped. Things like macaroni and cheese aren't very filling and have a LOT of calories, so i don't make that as often as I used to.

    Exercising helped too, because then I need to eat back about half the calories!
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    Are you exercising? If so 1500 cals is prob better. Be sure to not waste calories on drinks. Those are empty calories and will leave you hungry. I typically do the skake as well WITH breakfast as to not get too hungry throughout the day.
  • agraves18
    agraves18 Posts: 30 Member
    I have found that doing a protein shake for breakfast helps. Low in calories and the protein helps me feel full. Then I do fresh fruit and veggies for snack. I keep veggies cut up in my fridge for a quick snack, and don't buy many high calorie snack foods. When I do go over my calorie limit I just do a little more exercising to burn it off.
  • KellyWright58
    KellyWright58 Posts: 16 Member
    I could never stick to a 1200 or 1300 calories "diet" especially when I'm exercising on top of that. Obviously the amount of calories you need will vary by many factors but I'm thinking that if you're struggling so much with the 1300 maybe look into increasing your calories? Also, I agree to the spacing out small meals 2 1/2 - 3 hours apart... what type of food are you eating? If you're eating stuff like frozen low calorie meals (FULL of sodium) or other "diet" food then try eating truly healthy stuff like baked chicken, brown rice, and veggies you will get a lot more food for the same amount or less calories of the little frozen meals and you'll be more satisfied for longer. Good luck and feel free to send me a friend request for accountability!
  • Smithharry00
    Welcome to the forum.
  • hnyzthms
    hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member
    Thank you all for the great advice, I will try increasing my calorie allowance slightly as I do exercise three times a week, or maybe I will just increase on those days.

    fingers crossed for a loss in the first week. I will let you know x