Here we go again... (This time for good)

If you're like me you've started a diet at least a thousand times before and for some reason always found your way back to the same if not worse posision. But that's it. No more. I've truly set the course for good. Means very little at this point but if I proclaim it, I know I can do it!

My name is Kevin, I'm 33 (as of last Friday) and from Florida. I hope to change my life, for the better. I know I can do it this time. I love this site so far. Looking forward to winning this battle with all of you!

Here we go... !


  • andeeinevansville
    Hi and Welcome!! Your story sounds just like MINE!! I think I finally reached the point of no return..It is so hard but so worth it when you look at the big picture..
    Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me as a friend..we can all use the support :)
  • AngChambers06
    AngChambers06 Posts: 126 Member
    I agree ive strated a thousand and one times :( to only fail

    but ive GOT to do something i'm starting to see it affect my everyday life and my confidence about myself causing me to be depressed. and we cant be having thaT!

    good luck to you!! !:)
  • mrocka
    mrocka Posts: 55 Member
    Yes! we all have done the repeat game with the weight but if your ready to do it for real then we got your back!!!
    Good Luck to you on your journey

    btw im Mary, feel free to add me!!!
  • tm4eva
    Hi There
    Im also new to this site - and tried to diet time after time - hopefully being part of this forum will give me the motivation to suceed.

    Good Luck to everyone on their Weight Loss :smooched: