Am I the only one?! BAD cravings!

Ok, so I decided to join MFP because I need to know if I'm the only one with this. I'm new, my name is Elisha and I'm from The Netherlands. 18 years old :)

I feel like a food addict, because when I start a new healthy lifestyle, things go well for maybe 2 or 3 days, then I get cravings and I'm unstoppable. Yesterday I ate 300 grams of Milka Daim chocolate, and some Nutella sandwiches. I've had days where it went worse than that, but right now, I don't know what to do anymore. I log everything I eat in MFP and feel bad if I watch my calorie intake go up and up and up.. Sometimes up to 4000. As I mentioned before, I'm 18 and I feel so embarrassed as I type this, all I think about is my weight. I don't go out because I feel ashamed. Everytime someone looks at me, I automatically think they think I'm fat.
The only time I don't feel fat is when I work out. I love working out, I lost 20lbs after I completed the Insanity workout last year. I'm currently doing Focus T25 and add more workouts so I exercise at least 60 minutes a day.

How do I get rid of the cravings, and what can I do to not give in so quickly? I always read comments like "If you don't have it in your house, then you won't eat it!" but the thing is, the supermarket is 10 minutes away from my house. And the cravings are so bad that I just go there if there's nothing at home. I mostly crave chocolate. Should I eat a little piece every day?

I weigh 183lbs at 5'8" (1.74m don't know if I converted that the right way lol)

Sorry if this sounded desperate.


  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    I crave other bad things..... :blushing:
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    I crave bad things too..... I find if I get a craving I do something to distract myself like go for a walk or go clean a room or even just drink a big glass of water with some flavoring!! It usually works. The other thing is I allow myself ONE treat every day usually 1 small piece of chocolate, somehow when you don't tell yourself it's "off limits" you don't crave it as badly. I agree it's easier to not keep the bad foods in your house. You mentioned the store is only 10 minutes away.... if you're feeling like you just HAVE to go get something, make yourself walk there, at least you will be burning some calories too :)
  • Brialychr3
    Brialychr3 Posts: 23 Member
    I feel exactly the same as you. This past weekend was awful I couldn't stop myself so many sweets. chocolate is definitely one of my downfalls. I honestly believe that I am a sugar addict. So I have made a plan that I am taking one day at a time, its only day 3 but I feel better. I committed to logging (again!) PLUS I started a journal and I am giving up sugar. I still eat fruit but no chocolate, added white sugar etc. . I try to get some form of exercise in everyday. I don't want anyone to say that this is wrong, its working for me. I can't do 1 piece everyday, I can't control myself, its all or nothing. I do have 3 kids at home, there are still sweets in my house but I can't have them. I am committing myself to 30 days, but one day at a time. no pressure. I am also trying to eat 3 - 4 400 calorie meals during the day so I haven't really felt hungry. My diary is open if you want to view it. I hope this helped. It may seem extreme but so far its working, I will keep you posted if youi want to add me as a friend.
  • SwellyStyles
    Just keep everything in moderation. I eat whatever I want when I crave it but don't allow myself to go overboard. If I want chocolate, I'll eat chocolate, just not 3 bars. If I want pizza, I'll eat pizza, just not a whole pie. Your body NEEDs fat to stay healthy and as long as you keep a good diet most of the time and allow yourself to indulge on the things you love in small doses then you will be fine! I just make sure when I eat something less healthy I don't eat a ton of it and track the calories on it as part of my daily count. I went 500 over my limit yesterday, but went for a nice long run this morning and plan to keep it healthy all day today. For me personally if I don't allow myself to eat the things that I love I'm more likely to gorge myself with unhealthy foods after a few weeks (sometimes a few days) and ruining all of my progress! Remember, moderation is key!! We don't get healthy to be miserable, do we?
  • matthewsism
    I think it must help to start when we are kinder to ourselves. For sure you aren't alone, many people have cravings so no apologies for thinking you sound desperate. You sound normal to me. At 53 I can despair at belly fat and cellulite and I do. I'm also trying to love myself as I am, and everybody has sexiness potential no matter their size. It's an attitude, not a dress size. So I help myself by finding clothes that fit well and deceive. I also take photos of myself. With a mirror set up by a camera on a tripod you can see what the camera sees and work your best poses. I have a 26 year old daughter that carries a lot of extra weight and she photographs herself a lot and she's a knockout in every picture because she practices and knows how to show off her best assets. She loves herself and loves life. I don't know where she got that from!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I feel like my craving for ice cream subsides after I "detox" from all the fat and sugar I'm used to. You might find after some time being good that the cravings subside. As others said, when a bad craving hits, go for a walk and drink water. Another thought is to earn your craving, no chocolate without prepayment in sweat!