New And In Need Of Friends!

Hi everyone!

This is actually my 2nd attempt with MFP, but after my hiatus I decided I needed to start logging my food again to hold myself accountable.

I lost about 50 lbs total so far in the past year or so, but I've also battled with some eating issues so I'm here to start taking the steps to make myself healthier.

As my profile says, I won't be "weighing in" frequently, because I have a lot of self esteem issues that go along with keeping track of my weight.. so I lift 3 x a week, do some occasional cardio, and try to eat as healthy as I possibly can, and I track my progress through NSV's and how I feel about myself.

So I'm looking for friends to help me keep my head up high, and hopefully I can do the same for you. :)


  • No one? :(
  • hi im Rebecca I lost 100kg im the girl with advice add me
  • jessitherese
    jessitherese Posts: 22 Member
    I'll be your friend :)! and I'm the same way about weighing in :( but there are so many other things we can feel proud about instead of our weight (i.e.-feeling great)!
  • LordOberon
    LordOberon Posts: 73 Member
    You can add me. I only weigh myself every few days, mostly because I get frustrated that so much work and no change on the scale.
  • jasoncbackus
    jasoncbackus Posts: 131 Member
    Anyone, feel free to add me! I'm always looking to make new friends on here (to replace the ones that gave up or decided I wasn't worth their time and deleted me) :laugh:
  • anyone with boobs feel free to add me
  • Hey, I'm really new as well. U can add me :)
  • jaredmcfitness
    jaredmcfitness Posts: 14 Member
    I'd love to be your friend! :happy:
  • Sending a request right now... We all need all the support we can get.
  • sonia_mt
    sonia_mt Posts: 37 Member
    Ill be your friend!! I just had to delete about 5 people since they dont log in :(
  • TiaXL
    TiaXL Posts: 31 Member
    Your awesome! :happy: Your going to have a lot of supportive friends now!
  • Me! Add me! And anybody else please?
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    I am fairly new to this site, too. I have lost 25 pounds since May, but only a couple since joining mfp. (I think summer food, parties, and vacation have a lot to do with it!) I have about 70 more to lose, but I could use a friend on here, too. Please feel free to add me!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    LOL! guys have boobs, too! :laugh:
  • Feel free to add me!
  • Hi there! Today is my 28th day on the program and I have lost exactly 10 lbs to date. My advice, 1. set VERY realistic goals. For me I did 1 lb per week and 30 min of exercise 3x per week. These goals are realistic enough to achieve and if you beat it, all the more feeling of progress and success! Remember, you didn't put it on overnight, so it won't come off overnight. 2. Definitely stick to the 8 glasses of water each day = 4 normal size water bottles. 3. For things that are normally part of your diet and higher than you would like in a category, find an alternative that satisfies your palate, but is healthier. I used to drink Oregon vanilla chai latte for breakfast. It's pretty high in carbs for one drink. So, I switched to Bengal Spice tea with a little "sugarfree" sweet cream creamer - hardly any carbs, sugars, or calories with a very similar taste. Unsweetened almond milk is a great substitute for milk. 4. Two cheats I recommend and one is listed on this site - green coffee bean and a fiber supplement. I just got tested for diabetes because I had suspicious symptoms. Turns out no diabetes, I lowered my cholesterol, lowered my LDL, and raised my HDL.
    5. Finally, make your exercise something that fits in easily to your life style. I usually walk or take my kids to the pool and do 2 15 min sessions of leg kicking while I'm at the pool. You have a little girl, walking with her in the stroller is always an easy one. Hope this helps!
  • HPB2
    HPB2 Posts: 23 Member
    Still a newbie myself and looking for friends! Sent a request :)
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone.
  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm online daily and will support you as long as you do the same! It's so much easier with the help of good friends who are struggling with the same thing you are!
  • Njenva
    Njenva Posts: 58 Member
    Feel free to add me! :-)