Is Taeqwondo good exersise?!


Im thinking of joining a taeqwondo class but I have no idea if it will actually help me tone up and burn some calories! can anyone recommend any other fun ways of exercise as I get bored with the general go to the gym and work out! I also want something to work towards and I thought taeqwondo would be good as you have belts to work towards? excuse me if im wrong I really don't know a lot about it!

comments would be much appreciated :)

thank you! x


  • bowlofpeaches
    bowlofpeaches Posts: 59 Member
    I was in taekwondo for a few years it's quite a work out!!!! it takes a lot of discipline and practice!! but it's really great earning each belt and you definitely can break a sweat!!!
  • chemical1991
    chemical1991 Posts: 4 Member
    thank you for the reply , I think im going to ring up and find out when the classes start before I change my mind!
  • camiller07
    camiller07 Posts: 7 Member
    I took Tae Kwon Do in my hometown for years and it was great exercise, lots of jogging and push ups and other cardio. I'd just advise to check different schools in your city if you are looking for one that will specifically give a great workout, and watch a few classes. For example the class I've seen in my new city is a little more kid-oriented and lax. Don't be afraid to shop around!

    And yes, as you work toward higher belts, you learn harder forms (a series of moves) and get to do generally cooler things! Its a great stress reliever too.
  • chemical1991
    chemical1991 Posts: 4 Member
    thanks that's a great help :)
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I have not done taekwondo, but have a black belt in Kenpo karate. I think in general the martial arts are a good workout, and not only is it a workout, you are learning something very important as a woman which is self-defense. The people I know from taekwondo have great leg strength. If your looking for a hard core work out though, I'd recommend boxing or kickboxing workouts. After I left the martial arts world I went to a gym for a while and like you got bored. I joined a boxing club and I love it. I have never in my life had such intense work outs, not even during the 7 years I did kenpo. They say you burn anywhere from 600 to 1000 calories an hour boxing. So if your looking for a good work out and something you can learn and build skill from, I think boxing is the most physically demanding.