Jen8781 Posts: 22 Member
My recommended sugar intake is set at 29, now I know my diet is high in sugar and it is something a am addressing once I have got used to lowering my calorie intake, but realistically? 29 is not achievable for me. I am not looking to have a low body fat %, just an average one and I want a sustainable intake so this pesky 20lb stays off for a long time. Recommended sugar intake anyone? Is it 60g total to include naturally occurring sugars in milk etc or 60g of added sugar(in processed foods etc) and natural sugars aren't counted?


  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    All sugar counts.
  • organic0gf
    organic0gf Posts: 87 Member
    Wishful thinking is 60g of added sugar. I'm sure 60g is total, including all that's in your logged foods.
  • kiwigal41
    kiwigal41 Posts: 1,059
    mine is set at 29 too and I had 14 just in breakfast alone....I am always over in my sugar so I would like an answer to your question too....thank you for posting....i'm sorry I have no answer for you....
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    The value is based on added sugars but cannot be distinguished by MFPs tracking between natural and added. All sugar does count towards calories but to minimize insulin response avoid foods with added sugars that are devoid of fiber. Sugar from whole fruits still in their natural fiber cells takes longer to metabolize and gives your body more time to handle the sugar and not have to Frank out a bunch of insulin
  • Jen8781
    Jen8781 Posts: 22 Member
    So would we say that may be 50-60g total sugar including that found in fruit and veg?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    So would we say that may be 50-60g total sugar including that found in fruit and veg?

    Sugar intake is completely inconsequential to body composition unless you have a reason to avoid sugar medically (diabetes, pre-diabetes, PCOS, insulin resistance). If not, only worry about total carb intake, not sugar intake. I have my sugar goal set at 100g a day...
  • Jen8781
    Jen8781 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm only worried because my mum has been diagnosed with type II diabetes in her 60's and I've always been a sugar addict, I can easily forget about caffeine and alcohol but not the sugar! With my recommended intake set at 29 and I'm always over, I thought I might be missing a trick. Thanks guys.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I'm only worried because my mum has been diagnosed with type II diabetes in her 60's and I've always been a sugar addict, I can easily forget about caffeine and alcohol but not the sugar! With my recommended intake set at 29 and I'm always over, I thought I might be missing a trick. Thanks guys.

    Type 2 diabetes has more to do with being overweight than it does with sugar intake, as long as you're not exceeding your calorie goal, you'll be fine.
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    I'm only worried because my mum has been diagnosed with type II diabetes in her 60's and I've always been a sugar addict, I can easily forget about caffeine and alcohol but not the sugar! With my recommended intake set at 29 and I'm always over, I thought I might be missing a trick. Thanks guys.

    Type 2 diabetes has more to do with being overweight than it does with sugar intake, as long as you're not exceeding your calorie goal, you'll be fine.

    If your mum got it then there is a good chance you would get it too if you got overweight. Every aunt and uncle on my moms side of the family that became overweight got pre or full blown.

    I like the other poster said I would focus on the total carbs not specifically sugar. Keep your sweets in check and you should be fine. I find it easier to cut them away as much as possible, limiting to special occasions. If I start snacking a little it slowly creeps in more and more over time.

    The one sweet I do keep is 85% dark chocolate, it has just enough sugar for me to not be too bitter and I only eat 1/4 a serving at a time and no more then half a serving in a day. I usually keep fruit to 2 servings a day and usually with protein and fat to slow absorption even more. I keep m carbs at 50-100 grams a day personally