Food intolerance

I did a food intolerance test a couple days ago - and while I expected some results, some of them surprised me. For example, I knew milk and cheese would be something I should avoid, because I always bloat when I consume them.

But I can't wrap my mind around being intolerant to wheat, eggs, tomatoes or yoghurt, I consume these on a regular basis and I never had any problems afterwards.

What I am asking is - am I supposed to follow the regimen strictly, or I should just avoid the food I am not comfortable with?


  • dmt9544
    dmt9544 Posts: 11 Member
    I'd be interested in how you did your Food Intolerance test. Was it a blood test?

    I started the J J Virgin elimination diet (no soy, gluten, peanuts, eggs, processed sugar, corn, or dairy) one week ago. Two weeks to go before I start "testing" soy, gluten, eggs and dairy.

    J J's advice would probably be to totally avoid foods that you know (from how you feel when you eat them) cause you issues, and only eat the other high FI foods less than 10% of the time.

    Sure puts a crimp in my cheese-loving life ;-)
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    You should follow the routine, njot mess around with it or you won't get the correct results. You may actually feel better after eliminatin all those foods because they gradually affected you and you didn't notice the change cuilding up.
  • pensfan1
    pensfan1 Posts: 45 Member
    I had a similar blood test panel done a few years ago. Shocking results...egg white and yolk, bananas, wheat, several types of fish, cheese and milk (which I knew about). I'm careful when I eat the things that I supposedly can't tolerate but I do still eat them in moderation. I've also found that although real eggs give me major problems, egg beaters don't bother me at all. If I were you, I'd pay attention to the test but not eliminate things that don't seem to be bothering you.
  • MissBenes
    @dmt9544 yes, it was a blood test. And yes, I too absolutely LOVE cheese, but after I eat it my stomach sounds like philharmonic orchestra :D
    I actually have the biggest problem with being intolerant to wheat (I don't feel any problems after I eat bread), but it would be a problem for elimination, because in my country, bread is like the BASIS of nutrition O.o for example, if you are out and about a lot (and my job is like that), you can literally STARVE, because you can't find any decent meal that doesn't contain wheat at least in traces (pizza, sandwiches, anything in the bakery, snacks)
    I also love eggs and I often eat them for breakfast, so eliminating them would be another problem. It was also weird because results say that I am intolerant to eggs, yet mayonnaise is acceptable - how the hell? Mayo is made of yolk!

    I wasn't exactly looking for any results, I did it simply to confirm my suspicions about milk and cheese. I don't feel bad overall, I am not significantly overweight, nor I am encountering particular difficulties shedding it at the moment. The weight I got came from quitting regular training and eating a lot of trash food while my working hours were hectic.

    Yeah, that's kind of my plan - I think I'll go and ask a doctor for advice, I wanna be sure.
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    My doctors have told me those blood tests for "food intolerances" are total BS. They don't mean much. Do some research. These "tests" are often scams. If certain foods don't "Agree" with you, do an elimination diet instead.

    If you have an intolerance to cheese and milk, then do a REAL lactose intolerance test. Also known as a hydrogen breath test. This is much more reliable.

    If you think you are allergic to milk (allergies ad intolerances are not the same thing) then do an allergy test. Milk allergies are rare in adults, they usually start in children and go away with age.
  • MissBenes
    My doctors have told me those blood tests for "food intolerances" are total BS. They don't mean much. Do some research. These "tests" are often scams. If certain foods don't "Agree" with you, do an elimination diet instead.

    If you have an intolerance to cheese and milk, then do a REAL lactose intolerance test. Also known as a hydrogen breath test. This is much more reliable.

    If you think you are allergic to milk (allergies ad intolerances are not the same thing) then do an allergy test. Milk allergies are rare in adults, they usually start in children and go away with age.

    I don't think I am allergic to anything, just intolerant. But yes, I won't do anything without doctor's advice.