Week one = yay! Week two = wtf?

So I just had my second weekly weigh-in.

And although I didn't do anything different from the first week (where I lost 2.5 kilos) I've lost absolutely nothing, this time.

Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced a week when they've done it all right, but seen no movement on the scales?


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I experienced a whole month like that. It was very depressing.

    Recently I started doing a pseudo low carb diet and stepped up my exercise a bit and I've been losing weight again. Very happy about that. Though a week is different. I would suggest you keep trying with being good and if it doesn't catch up again you can do a revamp.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Unfortunately that does happen to many of us and it can be extremely frustrating and make you just want to give up.....BUT DON'T because you already know the consequences of that! You will lose weight if you are eating less than your body burns. Looks at your sodium and sugar levels to be sure that while you may be at or under your daily calorie goal, that you are not exceeding your sodium and sugar levels (don't be as concerned about sugar from fruits and such, only white sugar). Or you can make your diary public where others can see it and make suggestions. Whatever you do, ride it out and keep eating healthy and working out as your have scheduled for yourself. You can do it!
  • nicrus24
    nicrus24 Posts: 12 Member
    Even if you did not lose the lbs, check your measurements. That is what has kept me going, even if it is not showing on the scale, I have still lost inches. Which as we all know it is the inches lost that make us look good, not the actual lbs. We don't walk around with a scale attached to us announcing our weight, but how we look in that little black dress says it all. Don't get frustrated, keep going.!
  • mmoglesby
    mmoglesby Posts: 3 Member
    Same thing happened to me in August. 1st week lost 4.4 lbs then the second week I lost 0.2 lbs. I thought my head was going to catch on fire I was SSOOOOO mad. Many people explained to me that it is very common for the body to attempt to adjust to what it feels like is a starvation mode (even if your calories are reasonable). Your body will adjust again and will respond to your new healthy eating habits. P.S. My third week I lost over 3 pounds and the 4th week lost almost 4. Good luck to you and stick with it!!
  • snowbunnyak
    Exactly whats happening with me, dont give up though, I think Im gonna take measurement tonight so i can see if Im losing inches atleast.
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    It can happen a lot. Many things are going in when you are losing weight. If you had too much sodium your water starts to collect water for instance. If your TOM is coming you might even gain weight although eating wise everything is perfect. Sometimes the body just holds onto the pounds although you do nothing wrong, sometimes it lets go although you even might eat too much. It varies a lot, the most important thing is to know that your body does that so you won't get discouraged :)