Dizzy/panicked/flushed after eating?

I'm wondering if anyone else here has experienced this. I've already had my blood tested several times over the past year and everything has come back normal -- my doctors seem baffled by this and have concluded that I'm "just really sensitive" to food and to "rest after eating."

I have a gluten allergy and have been GF for almost a year; these are definitely not gluten-related symptoms.

The past three times I've begun losing weight, about a month or two in, I suddenly begin to feel strange after eating. I get dizzy, have a hard time focusing, my heart pounds, my skin flushes, my arms feel heavy, etc... this happens more after eating spicy food. I actually became so scared of eating that I wouldn't eat alone for awhile.

It feels kind of like a panic attack, but is definitely not anxiety-related... this has happened every time. Someone suggested it may be related to low blood pressure, which might make sense, as I can't take naps because I wake up from them feeling strange, sick, and puke-y.

I'm a 24YO female at 226. Again, I know this is for doctors to diagnose, but just curious if anyone has had any related symptoms or insight?


  • liquidleaves
    Are you eating too much salt-sodium?? How is your water intake? It could be a spice or herbal allergy in addition to your gluten? Def go see the doctor. Sorry to hear its a hard time for you.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    I second the sodium. If I eat more than 700mg of sodium in one meal, I feel really awful, my heart pounds and I get dizzy. Its pretty easy to consume 1000mg in a processed meal, or curry, mmm curry.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Are you sure those brownies weren't spiked?

    On another note, I would go to the DR with these concerns and see if there isn't more going on.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    What are you doing or eating differently when you are trying to lose weight??
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys! Man, I am a salt fiend, I never even thought about that! All I'm really doing differently is eating WAY smaller portions and cutting out extra stuff like desserts to stay within my calorie goal. Usually try to enrich with a fresh blended green smoothie, but lately we've had a friend living on the couch and I can't wake him up with my vitamix at 6am! :)

    @Melissa -- I only wish those brownies were spiked!! ;)
  • kgoodman0108
    About a year ago, I was having a similar problem... especially after eating lunch. My blood pressure would spike up to as high as the 170's for the top number. I would have the same symptoms as you - almost like a panic/anxiety attack, but for no reason. An hour later, my blood pressure would be back to being perfectly normal.

    If you haven't been doing this already, I would suggest buying a cheap blood pressure monitor and check your blood pressure when you have symptoms.

    I no longer have these symptoms - they stopped about two months after it started. I lost about 10 pounds, cut back on my sodium, but also stopped taking an antidepressant... and boom, no more problems. I'm not sure what the actual cause was.
  • fromnebraska
    fromnebraska Posts: 153 Member
    This happens to me if I eat something very sugary, like a medium size shake from Sonic. I'm guessing (since I've never had a doctor diagnose it) that I get a bit hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) after eating high sugar foods. I get BAD headaches, and have heart palpitations, get dizzy/faint, have foggy vision and feel very tired. This is the main reason that I'm limiting my intake of overly sugary foods. I hate how I feel after eating them and I know it's just not healthy for me.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    I'm healthy as far as I know, but this happens to me when I eat a meal high in carbs. Also happens when I drink too much water without enough sodium in a day.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Do you check labels for MSG?
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    It's likely related to blood pressure/sodium as one poster mentioned. You can get a cheap blood pressure monitor at Walmart to check for yourself.

    Also look into other food allergies. I'm actually allergic to jalapenos (usually the pepper used in spicy american foods), and I start to sweat and get really itchy/antsy/ADHD after eating too much.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Two thoughts

    Your blood sugar could be spiking very high then falling rapidly. You can get all of those symptoms as you go high but also when you drop low. So what is in your smoothies? If they are high carb/sugar they can drive the rapid up and down.

    The MSG idea is also a good one - if you're sensitive you can get all of the symptoms you reporting.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    your symptoms sound like possible vasovagal syncope. Before I had mine controlled, I would sometimes faint after eating a large meal. doctor explained it was because digestion diverts some blood supply away from the rest of the circulatory system -- exacerbating the symptoms. I still get it if i go from floor exercises to standing exercises too quickly. have you ever had a tilt table test?
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Thank you everyone! I know I am definitely sensitive to msg, but it used to happen most often when eating spicy pasta, no msg - so im definitely thinking it could be the carbs or spice! I do get very very dizzy and lightheaded when I go from laying to standing. What is vagavareascopethingy? A tilt test sounds suspiciously like a torture device!
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    syncope = fancy word for fainting
    vasovagal = caused by drop in blood pressure

    it's pretty common and most of the time not really dangerous - just more annoying.

    this doc may be the most boring dude on the planet, but he explains it rather clearly:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,287 Member
    nope I get this very often, my blood pressure drops after I eat. My Dr doesn't seem concerned, it doesn't drop enough that I pass out or cause other problems, so I just live with it.
  • Klein1475
    Klein1475 Posts: 248 Member
    Eating carbs raises your metabolism in turn raising your body temperature.... Maybe a combo of things going on.... high sodium intake, body temp raised and metabolism burning at full force can make you feel weird.... I would keep a very detailed log of what you consume, how you feel so you can pin point what is the cause....