Opinions please?!

So I've noticed I have lots of bruises on my legs but I havent been doing anything to get them so I heard it maybe iron..But then again I've been eating tons of spinach and I had read on this site that her daughter has low iron and her face n legs would go numb and my legs have been doing that for years! But that might be from my anxiety..I take meds for that and I also take a teen vitamin I've taken it for a long time but just hasnt ever switched..I noticed I'm so tired like I can sleep all day and really moody...I just dont know why tho all of a sudden because I know the doctors would have said my iron levels are low the last time i got my blood drawn even tho i dont know how long that has been


  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Yeah, spinach is not going to help you out if you have an iron deficiency. It sounds like you need to go get blood tested again and go from there. I don't think anyone on the MFP forums are going to be able to diagnose you based on you saying that you're bruising a little more. If they can I'd really like to meet them, the webmd symptom checker freaks me out sometimes.

    eta: I don't know what a "teen vitamin" is, but I'm pretty sure it's just fortified candy (I have a strong suspicion it's a gummy). If you're going to take a multivitamin, go for one that's actually going to do you some good. Centrum or Trader Joe's high potency multivitamin are both good options.
  • Elisabeth101
    Elisabeth101 Posts: 28 Member
    The teen vitamin is mega teen from GNC not chew-able ones they have a really nasty taste to them
  • Elisabeth101
    Elisabeth101 Posts: 28 Member
    I really dont like going to the doc but i doubt anyone does..I wonder if i just change vitamins it will work
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Ok, I stand corrected. I looked it up and your current multivitamin has 18 mg of iron in it. There's all sorts of "rules" to iron absorption, but since your vitamin also has vitamin C to aid in absorption I'm not sure that your supplement is the problem. I think your best bet is to go see the doctor even though you don't like it. It may be something totally different than what you expect, it's important to have up to date blood work on file with your doc. Good luck and hopefully it's just a little fatigue from starting a new diet/exercise plan. :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    See your doctor, sudden bruises of volume enough to be a concern can be a sign of a blood coagulation issue. Imagine those bruises inside your brain...
  • happyhiker83
    Go see a doctor. Do it ASAP. Even though you are taking iron supplements, there could be something going on that's inhibiting your body's absorption of iron. Or you might not have an iron deficiency at all, but a B12 or potassium deficiency, which can cause similar symptoms. There's no way to really know what's wrong without a blood test and consultation with a doctor.

    By the way, spinach is *technically* high in iron, but unfortunately it's also high in oxalates, which inhibit iron absorption. It's actually not a good source of dietary iron.
  • karlahere
    karlahere Posts: 79 Member
    See your doctor, sudden bruises of volume enough to be a concern can be a sign of a blood coagulation issue. Imagine those bruises inside your brain...
    This. *shudder*

    Plus the fact that you get tired easily, even though you're taking iron supplements. There's something really wrong here. I really think you should go to the doctor stat.

    I read a case where a woman suddenly lacked energy and had these weird bruises popping up. I replied to this topic because your story reminded me of her anecdote. I won't tell you what they found out (it was pretty grim) but in the end, it was fortunate that she went to the doctor immediately.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    go to the doctor, we can't diagnos issues like that on here.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I really dont like going to the doc but i doubt anyone does..I wonder if i just change vitamins it will work

    actually, if I get strange symptoms I'm perfectly happy to go to the doctor to get it checked out. That's what they're there for. You can ask him/her about the vitamins. The sooner you get this checked out properly, the sooner you can do what you need to do to deal with it. You're obviously concerned about this, so make that appointment. good luck!
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Are you certain they checked your iron on your last blood draw?
    Sounds like iron to me, but go to your doctor to be certain.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    So I've noticed I have lots of bruises on my legs but I havent been doing anything to get them so I heard it maybe iron..But then again I've been eating tons of spinach and I had read on this site that her daughter has low iron and her face n legs would go numb and my legs have been doing that for years! But that might be from my anxiety..I take meds for that and I also take a teen vitamin I've taken it for a long time but just hasnt ever switched..I noticed I'm so tired like I can sleep all day and really moody...I just dont know why tho all of a sudden because I know the doctors would have said my iron levels are low the last time i got my blood drawn even tho i dont know how long that has been

    Greetings Elizabeth,

    It sounds like a conversation you should have with your doctor.
    kind regards,
