How many calories do you take per day?

How many calories do you take per day?
Hey everybody.

I just want to know how many calories should i take and hear about yours too!

I am 22 years old female and i am on cutting right now since i am not really obese but overweight.

My TDEE is 2300 kcal per day and i subtracted 500 calories from that which is

1800kcal to lose weight.

By the way, i do weight training 3 times a week.

I am planning to lose 15lbs in 3 months by following that progress and i look forward to it.

However i am quite unsure about that number because i think 1800kcal is

totally easy to control even if i am on a diet.

Will i still lose weight by taking that amount of calories based on the plan i said above?

or should i reduce more even if i already reduced 500 calories from my TDEE.

Please help :(


  • Emagique
    Emagique Posts: 17
    I had now idea how much calories I should take a day until I discussed it with my doctor. If you have doubt, don't relie on the internet that can be full of cr***, just check with a professional. Weight loss should never be done alone :) But that's just my opinion !
  • vfett1018
    vfett1018 Posts: 131 Member
    I take in anywhere between 1200-1600. Depending on if I decide to eat cookies or something unhealthy haha.
    Also, one of my jobs I work is only 4 hours a day and involves lifting heavy products 75% of the time, and sweating from the heat so I feel that is a workout for me. I try to eat a little extra for that.
  • My daily goal is 1720 calories, but I'm usually always below 1200 per day I believe that I eat healthy and varied so I'm not that concerned. I also do spinning twice a week.

    / M.
  • curly1986
    curly1986 Posts: 98 Member
    MFP has given me the goal of 1520 a day. I try to get as close as possible but sometimes with being super busy I cant reach it, but as long as I'm above 1200 I'm happy. (Obviously I didnt get this overweight from undereating, but as I make slightly better choices now it can be harder to reach my goal on some days)
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    I don't use the TDEE calculator, as it says I burn 2800cals doing exercise 6 days a week. I didn't even eat that many calories before my diet. The trouble with a TDEE calculator is it can't tell the type of exercise you do. Just saying I exercise 6 days a week tells me nothing it could be an hour of jogging a day or 20mins of walking a day. There's a big difference. I prefer to log my exercise separately and ok that's an estimate too, but a closer one and then I know how many calories I can eat each day.
    I usually go for 1200-1400 cals a day.
  • karlahere
    karlahere Posts: 79 Member
    Hmm, since I started MFP 6 days ago, I usually eat between 1200-1800 (without factoring exercise in).

    15lb in 3 months is totally doable at the rate you're going. You could also try recalculating your TDEE as you lose weight because it is very much weight-dependent.

    I guess the safest way to go is to just up the activity level because: 1) the more you build, the more you burn; and 2) faster to get a cute butt this way. :)
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    I eat 1200 per day, when I exercise, I eat back some of them.
  • I eat 1200 - 1600 calories a day. Depends on my appetite, if ive worked out, if im stressed etc.
  • csk71
    csk71 Posts: 2
    Just keep reducing your calories until you notice the weight going down. If you’re working out you've got to make sure your loosing fat not muscle otherwise you work out's are for nothing, that is if muscle is what you're going for, I'd talk to a personal trainer at your gym, if that's where you’re going, if you’re working out at home & you’re not seeing results then a personal trainer is your best bet for success. Good luck. ;)
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    We need polls on these forums.
  • I worked to a careful 1200 per day for 85 days, and hit my target loss of 14kgs in that time. My TDEE is 2050 so the weight came off easily and I probably managed around 1000/1200 exercise cals per week which I never ate back.
    Now I've moved to 1600 cals per day to see if I can maintain weight at that..don't want to lose any more. But so far, I'm still losing a little bit, so I'm about to move up to 1800 and see how it goes.
    As I'm going away for the weekend, I've upped my daily goal to 2000 for 4 days..still below my TDEE so shouldn't cause me any gain. I'll drop back to 1800 on Tuesday.
    I'll also keep my exercise levels up over the weekend..I suspect there'll be a lot of swimming with my 13 year old stepson..and I never eat these back.