How do you abstain from eating the chocolate in the fridge?



  • bettbett87
    bettbett87 Posts: 47 Member
    I read somewhere that having some peanut butter is a good way to combat chocolate cravings. I keep some in my house to have on a plain rice cake when I really want to munch in the evenings.
  • jayce54321
    jayce54321 Posts: 110 Member
    I don't understand the question. :wink:
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    If I'm struggling to control my sweet tooth (because I'm still learning to control my urge to eat everything in sight and try to eat just one piece/bite), and believe me, if it's not in the house and I'm having one of those uncontrollable days, I will go to the store and buy things I shouldn't (even if it means getting dressed or getting a shower first), I've been jumping on pinterest and going to the health & fitness boards. Sure there's some recipes on there but they are usually healthy. and seeing the workout regimens redirects my mind frame and I can calm my brain down (my brain goes into OCD mode when I have a craving and forbid to satisfy it. It's like it goes into a panic and I have to talk myself down from wanting to stuff my face). Like I said, if I could stop at one square of chocolate, one cookie, etc. I would give in to the bad cravings, but I'm still trying to teach myself self-control and giving in usually ends badly. Don't get me wrong, I don't abstain from it entirely, (although I do better if I do), I just don't let myself have something every day. I look forward to getting there someday where I can have a little bit and be satisfied.
  • bammer4560
    Eat it and count it. Don't deny yourself as long as it's in your calorie count.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    Yea, I honestly just don't have the stuff sitting around. But I will tell ya, if I'm at my parents house, and they offer me some pie or cookies, I don't turn it down... I just don't eat a ton/bunch of it. Moderation for me! But yea... no way can I have that stuff just sitting around my house... that is a recipe for disaster for sure... especially when Aunt Flo visits! lol
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    This whole "diet" thing is about restricting calories so make the calories in those sweets part of your daily calories. If you want to eat 1000 of your calories in sweets do so. The rest of your daily calories will come from lettuce, veggies and water. One day ever now and again will not hurt you.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    Here is my fix----Fiber One 80 calorie CHOCOLATE cereal !!!!!!!!!!!!! I 3/4 cup if this stuff is 80 calories. So I buy a box, premeasure the bags and then grab one when I HAVE to just HAVE to have my chocolate. I even take it with me and everyone I know understands WHY I have my snack baggie and everyone is very supportive in my needs. So d NOT be shy--take that baggie with you!! It also has 35% of your fiber TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    I wanted it SOOOO bad last night, my answer for anything and everything - was chocolate!

    I ended up making Jello chocolate pudding LOL
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I'm having a good day, when all of a sudden we go to visit some relative who offers me pies and ice cream and brownies. Or I happen across some chocolate in the fridge. I know I'll regret it a half hour later but I can't stop myself. My sweet tooth is out of hand...

    How do you abstain/ find the motivation to stay on track?

    Read the OP, guys... It's not about not keeping it in the house, it's about not eating offered pie when there's a chance you could upset the pie offerer.

    If you know you're going to visit the relative, plan ahead with your food. If not, say yes and just ask for a tiny piece. That way they can feed you and you can still take control. Don't feel obligated to eat the whole thing.
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    I have a picture of me at my heaviest stuck on the door.......that and a fridge magnet that says 'Back away Fatty'.
    That's what helps me :wink:
  • JustSammi
    I have no junk food in my house whatsoever. The snacks I tend to have are peanuts and Greek yoghurts. No chocolate, crisps or biscuits anywhere.

    I used to think I had a major sweet tooth but after getting rid of things like that, I find that I don't actually crave them if they're not around. And if I decide once in a while that I deserve a chocolate bar and I genuinely really, really want it then I will fit it into my calorie allowance and go and buy a small single bar from the shop and eat it that day instead of keeping it in the house.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    That's easy, I don't put chocolate in the fridge. Chocolate should be kept at room temperature in a cooler, dark area, but not in the fridge. (per my french chocolatier). And when I buy it, it goes quickly into my husband's the end. :-/
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    throw it out.

    or just say no.

    I have a picture of me at my heaviest stuck on the door.......that and a fridge magnet that says 'Back away Fatty'.
    That's what helps me wink

    hysterical. I like your style
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    You mean I'm not SUPPOSED to chug the Herseys syrup?
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I keep 100 cal packs of chocolate dusted almonds in my cabinet...and in my purse...and in my lunchbox. Kills the chocolate craving. :)
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I curb the desire by drinking red wine and Baileys.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I eat it as long as it fits my calories/macros

    I don't abstain from eating anything
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    A someone once said: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I'm having a good day, when all of a sudden we go to visit some relative who offers me pies and ice cream and brownies. Or I happen across some chocolate in the fridge. I know I'll regret it a half hour later but I can't stop myself. My sweet tooth is out of hand...

    How do you abstain/ find the motivation to stay on track?

    I either A) remove it and don't have it in the house or B) I plan it into my day and work around it.
  • oOxXxOo
    oOxXxOo Posts: 75 Member
    You can eat it if you have the cals left or you willing to get on the treadmill or go for a run tomorrow.