Looking for supportive friends

Hi! I just cancelled my Weight Watchers account after numerous attempts (and failures!). I just started two days ago. I really like this site and found more foods listed. I am looking for people, like myself, who have struggled through the weightloss journery numerous times but have found their way to getting closer to their goal weight. I have achieved so many different things, but fail miserably at losing weight. This is my year for success and getting back into my smaller sized clothing. :happy:


  • NanaB2011
    NanaB2011 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi! Welcome! I have had some success and some failure with Weight Watchers. I know what you are going through to well. I made up my mind to try this on my own, it has saved a lot of money. We can support each other, I'm sending a friend request.
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi and welcome! I too tried WW and didn't like it, but this is a great site! I'll send you a friend request :flowerforyou:
  • pixiepie3
    pixiepie3 Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry for getting back so late. I have the MFP app but it only lets me log my food,exercise and weight. I don't think it was linked to the main app so I just found your friend request. Oh technology, it is great when you know how to use it!
  • pixiepie3
    pixiepie3 Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry for the late response but I don't think my journal was set to link up with the main page. I will look for your friend request.
  • RTrigger91
    RTrigger91 Posts: 18 Member
    welcome, i cant say i ever used WW my mum was on it and it never did much for her but i have tried to lose weight before and i'm determined to fit in to my smaller clothes to, ill send you a request, good luck xx