Whats you weight loss milestones???

NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
edited September 21 in Success Stories
What are some of the things that happen to you on your weight loss journey that made you see okay I am really losing weight....example: someone whistle at you, your jeans fit lose, you could walk in a store and not feel like you did a hour workout....I would love for yall to share your weight loss milestones!!!


  • Old pictures and fitting in my old jeans :o)
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    guys actually look at me more. haha. I know its not alot, but I've always been huge and guys didn't really look at me. But now I even get double takes. it makes me more motivated to continue, and its nice that there are people that notice.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I fit into clothes I hadn't got into in over 3 years and they look better now than they did before... Only problem is I have to take some to Good Will since they are too high waisted and look terrible on me now :happy:

    I think so far, my biggest milestone has been confidence: I finally got it back and am not afraid to walk with my shoulders back and I don't get paranoid when people stare at me (the old thoughts were I look too fat in this, or too ugly and the new thoughts are, this is a nice outfit and I don't have muffin-top hanging over everything lol).

    It's nice when I stepped out to walk our roommates dog a couple weeks ago, in short shorts & a tank top (I live in FL), and the guy reading meters in the neighborhood did a double take when he saw me, walked around to the neighbors side to read their meter and when he came around front he was staring at me and literally fell over the car in the neighbors driveway :laugh: :laugh: That made my day and my year :tongue:
  • disnyfan
    disnyfan Posts: 39 Member
    1. my size 24 pants fall off of me and I can now wear 20's!
    2. my triple chin is now a double.
    3. I feel more confident running around my house in my undies.
    4. my Humpback on the back of my neck/shoulder area is gone! YAHOOOO!
    5. I float in my clothes
    6. I no longer crave bad food, I crave veges. who knew?
    7. I know THIS TIME I am going to do it!!!!!
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm in the "fit into my old clothes" camp. But I know I didn't grow out of them overnight so I'll be patient!!:laugh:
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    @disnyfan: I used to have a small "humpback" thing, and mine is gone now too :] go us!
  • Let's see...been at this since jan and have s l o w l y lost 29 lbs:tongue: I had moved out of state shortly before I started and all along my journey, there was no one (other than my husband) to encourage me or tell me he could see the difference i couldn't. Anyway, we made a trip back to our old home in NJ , visiting friends and family we haven't seen since last Nov. It was wonderful to hear the compliments and shock lol..I hadn't told anyone I was doing this. I told my husband if no one noticed I would be headed to the nearest Dairy Queen for the largest banana split I could buy:explode: Thanksfully I was saved from my leap off the wagon by wonderful friends and family members who were shocked and amazed at my progress:happy: I am actually encouraged to continue my journey to the end! less than 20 lbs to go! I even bought a size 10t in jeans! 2 pair in fact!! And I don't even have to store them or wait until I lose another 5lbs before I could wear them..they fit:bigsmile:
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  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    The first thing that happened that made me realize "Wow, I'm doing this!" was climbing some stairs that normally have me winded when I reach the top. Now it takes a LOT more than that to get me winded. lol

    The second thing was when I started going on walks I could barely walk 1/2 a mile without stopping. Now I'm going on regular 4+ mile walks and I'm getting stronger and going farther every week! Last week I actually was able to do six miles through-out the day! That's a HUGE accomplishment for me!

    The third thing that happened was having a pair of jeans that where so tight I could barely zip them up and sitting down in them was almost impossible. It's been less then 2 months since then and not only do they fit but they are now too big. I can pull them on and off without unbuttoning or unzipping them! lol

    It's been a little less than five months since starting my weight loss journey and I've lost over 50 lbs. I feel so good!
  • I just started using myfitnesspal, so it says I've lost 4lbs but really it's closer to 70. Loosing 10, 15, 25, 50... those numbers were big. And now being 143 I'm sooo close to my goal I can see it!
    The last couple lbs were all back/bra fat! That was awesome. Not that my back is smooth, but it's way nicer than before.

    I keep thinking of the old comparrason that 5lbs of fat is a milk gallon. I only have 3.5 milk gallons left to go! I've lost almost 14 gallons. Thats a pretty discusting thought, so it's great motivation to stay healthy this time.

    I recently went through an army trunk of clothes I saved and realized everything fit and some stuff was even too big. It was like shopping for free. :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    It's nice when I stepped out to walk our roommates dog a couple weeks ago, in short shorts & a tank top (I live in FL), and the guy reading meters in the neighborhood did a double take when he saw me, walked around to the neighbors side to read their meter and when he came around front he was staring at me and literally fell over the car in the neighbors driveway :laugh: :laugh: That made my day and my year :tongue:

    hahah That's AWESOME! I hope some day someone falls over a chair checking me out! LOL Not that I want anyone to get hurt, but it would just be such an awesome experience! What a confidence booster!
  • This may sound silly but my shoes are too big for me now and my wedding ring falls off! I got to 100lbs lost and thought I've done it but yet wasn't happy so I carried on! I'm now happy but want to get the 130lbs mark. I will do as well, just a matter of time.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I just started using myfitnesspal, so it says I've lost 4lbs but really it's closer to 70. Loosing 10, 15, 25, 50... those numbers were big.

    You can actually go in and change your starting weight so your ticker shows your full weight loss. :)

    Congratulations on the progress you've made! That's amazing! Great job!
  • prestoncaleb
    prestoncaleb Posts: 28 Member
    when I get carded or a clerk/waitress needs to see my drivers license...I always get..."You've lost a lot of weight!"

    also the fact that I still get carded...(although I think they are supposed to card everyone)
  • This may sound silly but my shoes are too big for me now and my wedding ring falls off! I got to 100lbs lost and thought I've done it but yet wasn't happy so I carried on! I'm now happy but want to get the 130lbs mark. I will do as well, just a matter of time.

    Not silly! My rings are all HUGE and that was a cool sign. Also, I went shopping with my mom and usually that ends in tears and by the end we were laughing like little girls as she ran out of the dressing rooms getting me smaller and smaller sizes (I hadn't been shopping since the weight loss and had no idea what size I was). The best was her "OMG. Do you need a four? I can get a FOUR!" followed by my little 5'2 sprite of a mother dancing out of the dressing room with a 6, 8, and 10 in her hands. That one felt pretty good.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Just a few at this point... but right around the 20 pound mark (so VERY recently) I was able to fit into a pair of jeans that hadn't fit... and I could finally start to see a tiny bit of a change. Over the next couple of days (and while wearing those jeans!), I had a couple of friends ask if I was losing weight. That's about it for now!

    Oh... and exercise-wise, I can see tons of changes. At one point... before I started slacking again... I could actually tell I had muscles in my arms. :) And I trained for and walked my first 5K last weekend... which would not have been possible a few months ago!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My cat reached up, stuck her claws in my blue jeans, and pantsed me on Saturday. I now own my first belt in over ten years. And I apparently need it.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    my most recent one was being able to by mid calf boots with out getting a wide calf boot.
    The first thing was shoes and rings got loose, fit into my old clothes.
    Fitness wise started at a 3.0 on the treadmill went up to a 3.5 and now at a steady 4.5 up to 6.0 mph
    SHALONDAG Posts: 50 Member
    1. I can feel my hip bones again.
    2.The cellulite on my legs disappeared.
    3. Rings are looser.
    4. People at work notice that I'm smaller and I can wear the extra small scrubs now!
    5. Had to shop for smaller belts.
    6. Could clothes shop in my skinny sister- in- laws closet, yea!
    7. Her surprised reaction when I looked so good trying on her dress.
    8. I can see the muscles in my arms and legs.
    9. My belly button ring looks so much better on my flatter abds.
    10. My husband can't keep his hands off of me!!!
    SHALONDAG Posts: 50 Member
    1. I can feel my hip bones again.
    2.The cellulite on my legs disappeared.
    3. Rings are looser.
    4. People at work notice that I'm smaller and I can wear the extra small scrubs now!
    5. Had to shop for smaller belts.
    6. Could clothes shop in my skinny sister- in- laws closet, yea!
    7. Her surprised reaction when I looked so good trying on her dress.
    8. I can see the muscles in my arms and legs.
    9. My belly button ring looks so much better on my flatter abds.
    10. My husband can't keep his hands off of me!!!
  • Just stating is a milestone! I am hoping to lose 20-25kg, so I think the first 10kg will be a big milestone for me as I usually give up after losing 5kg.

    Am hoping this community will help!!!!
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