Exercise Programs

Hey Everyone,

I've been doing Turbo Jam for most of this year, actually that is what lost all my weight, but I am ready for something a little different to kinda switch it up a little...any suggestions?


  • bmsikes
    I'm about to start p90x and I've heard such great things about it! I can't wait to begin and start seeing results.
  • vjade
    vjade Posts: 27
    Well, I'm a curves girl myself and I mix that with Pliates and sometimes the dreadmill. I hear good things about Zumba but, I haven't tried it yet.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Zumba is really fun. You can go to www.zumba.com and look for classes near you - or get the DVD but it is more fun with real people! I heard P90X is a great workout but really hard! Water Aerobics, Swimming, Zumba, Bike Riding and my Wii Fit Plus are doing it for me (for now).
  • Sam111chris
    I have a power yoga dvd we could trade for a month or something like that
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    If you like Turbo Jam, you'll love Turbo Fire. When I get done with Turbo Fire I'm going to try Power 90X. A friend has it and isn't using it so I won't have to buy it.