Why am I not losing weight?!

Umm...maybe because I consistently go over my daily calories!!! I feel like an idiot. I'm just glad I'm being honest with tracking because now I know why I haven't lost anything. I have to actually create a deficit to see results, who knew?

How did you stay strict and consistent? I'm way too lenient with myself and I then I think I'm doing "good". There's nothing like being in the red for a reality check! I'm determined to end the week below the line!


  • rage032
    rage032 Posts: 36
    Plan your whole week of eating. Buy only those things. Get rid of all the rubbish stuff from your house if you can. That's how I stay strict at least.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    When I was starting out I bought myself a calendar and gave myself a sticker every day that I met my calorie goals. It was a silly little reward but it also let me see at a glance if I was taking too many cheat days.
  • Lisaraige
    Lisaraige Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! I like the reward system, I can implement that!
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I weigh myself several times a week, if not every day if I'm in full weight loss mode.
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    I track the night before for the next day. I like to have the road map of what I will be having for meals and snacks. It's OK if I stray a little. I can add or delete but I like having the basic idea of knowing my day ahead of time.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You're on the right track with logging everything. That was key for me - log it all, no matter how far over the day might be, because it was a learning process. I could look back over my days and weeks and see what foods were putting me over, and decide whether or not it was worth it to me to eat that food, or if I could make a better choice, smaller portion, or whatever.

    Honest and accurate logging has been a huge help for me. :smile:
  • I log my dinner ahead of time so I can see how many calories I have to "spend" on snacks and lunch/breakfast. For example, if I'm going out to eat at night I'll figure out what I'll eat beforehand and decide that for lunch today I'd better have a salad. :) It works for me! I'm almost a full month into not being over once!

    I weigh myself every day too. :)
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Like other posters have said, pre-planning and being organized is key. Make a list of breakfast, lunch & dinner meals that fit within your calorie and macro goals. Do the same with 100 - 200 calorie snacks. Then all you have to do is mix and match those meals. If you do this the majority of the time, you'll be consistent and you'll see consistent results. Of course you can't plan for everything so on occasions where you're going to eat out or go to a party, try and plan ahead as much as possible by leaving room in your day for indulging a little bit.

    I have my standard, go to meals. Most I make at home but yesterday was a busy day so I had lunch from subway and a double cheese burger from McDonalds for dinner. I still hit my macro and calorie goals. It just takes practice, effort and planning.

    Feel free to look at my diary for some ideas. You'll see I eat a lot of the same things over and over again.
  • HI, are you exercising? That is the only way I lose weight anymore. Also, sounds weird, but since I am exercising, if I don't eat enough calories each day, I gain weight. I weigh everyday....yesterday I didn't eat enough calories and well, I weighed 1.5 heavier. Also, I had lost 25 lbs, then went to nothing lost, nothing gained for 5 weeks! I wasn't eating enough calories then, too, about 400 deficit. Just a thought.
  • ValerieJean
    ValerieJean Posts: 35 Member
    I log my dinner ahead of time so I can see how many calories I have to "spend" on snacks and lunch/breakfast. For example, if I'm going out to eat at night I'll figure out what I'll eat beforehand and decide that for lunch today I'd better have a salad. :) It works for me! I'm almost a full month into not being over once!

    I weigh myself every day too. :)

    I do the same thing, i try to log my dinner in so i know how much i have to use versus eating what i want then going back and finding out you went over or in my case under. i am breastfeeding so i need to make sure i try my best to hit my goals but not go over. ESPECIALLY if i am going to a restaurant or having take out... so much calories in restaurants! :)
  • NSMustanggirl
    NSMustanggirl Posts: 70 Member
    If you simply let yourself go over, it becomes easier and easier to simply let yourself go over! I plan on treats, but ONLY if I am under calories and the rest of the macros look good. If I'm going to go over with said treat, I make sure I do something to exercise it off - not a good strategy to use all of the time, but I don't think it hurts once in a while!

    It takes discipline and saying NO to yourself when you want that extra treat that you really shouldn't have. On the flipside, the more you say no to yourself, the easier it gets - for me anyway!
  • Amy, I LOVE your quote!

    "I'm not on a diet, this is my lifestyle. You can't make temporary changes and expect permanent results."
  • ValerieJean
    ValerieJean Posts: 35 Member
    HI, are you exercising? That is the only way I lose weight anymore. Also, sounds weird, but since I am exercising, if I don't eat enough calories each day, I gain weight. I weigh everyday....yesterday I didn't eat enough calories and well, I weighed 1.5 heavier. Also, I had lost 25 lbs, then went to nothing lost, nothing gained for 5 weeks! I wasn't eating enough calories then, too, about 400 deficit. Just a thought.

    I have this same problem.. ugh so annoying... i go long time at weight, every time same weight, i am exercising AND breastfeeding so it makes it so difficult to eat more calories when you are trying to lose weight. I feel guilty eating and eating. i am trying to only do 25 minutes of exercise (because i am addicted to exercise at the moment) and trying to eat snacks in the evening. Losing weight for the most part is easy. But once you hit a plateau or have trouble eating your calories, it becomes difficult because your mindset is in weight loss mode. lol or at least thats what its like for me.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I plan my meals, stick to them and most of all have nothing in the home that could throw me off my plan. In the beginning I got really anxious thinking that there was nothing to eat if I got hungry at 11pm, but now I eat in a way that that cannot happen and I am doing quite well.
    So far I lost 34 pounds since April 10th.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Plan your whole week of eating. Buy only those things. Get rid of all the rubbish stuff from your house if you can. That's how I stay strict at least.

    absolutely this^^^
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Umm...maybe because I consistently go over my daily calories!!! I feel like an idiot. I'm just glad I'm being honest with tracking because now I know why I haven't lost anything. I have to actually create a deficit to see results, who knew?

    How did you stay strict and consistent? I'm way too lenient with myself and I then I think I'm doing "good". There's nothing like being in the red for a reality check! I'm determined to end the week below the line!
    It's not a problem. If you want to eat more, just exercise more to compensate. Good luck!
  • YvonneCT
    YvonneCT Posts: 42 Member
    Like other posters have said, pre-planning and being organized is key. Make a list of breakfast, lunch & dinner meals that fit within your calorie and macro goals. Do the same with 100 - 200 calorie snacks. Then all you have to do is mix and match those meals. If you do this the majority of the time, you'll be consistent and you'll see consistent results. Of course you can't plan for everything so on occasions where you're going to eat out or go to a party, try and plan ahead as much as possible by leaving room in your day for indulging a little bit.

    I have my standard, go to meals. Most I make at home but yesterday was a busy day so I had lunch from subway and a double cheese burger from McDonalds for dinner. I still hit my macro and calorie goals. It just takes practice, effort and planning.

    Feel free to look at my diary for some ideas. You'll see I eat a lot of the same things over and over again.
  • YvonneCT
    YvonneCT Posts: 42 Member
    I really, really like that idea. I think I have been doing a version of that in my head. I should start doing some pre-tracking.
  • adnamalegna
    adnamalegna Posts: 203 Member
    Meal planning, regular exercise, adequate calorie intake, lots and lots of water(I ONLY drink water except for the occasional tomato juice or diet coke). Positive outlook. I also only shoot for weighing once a month. I know myself, and I get discouraged if I have no loss even if I am building muscle. I don't own a scale, so I set aside a day a month to weigh. I also got rid of any junk food. Anyhting that comes in my house is good. And I have two children. They don't eat junk either. We rarely eat prepackaged food of any kind. Most is raw or you have to prepare it. They love it, and don't miss little debbies and ramen noodles.
  • I think it's defiantly good you are logging everything. At the moment I can have 1450 calories a day so I'm thinking I should be having roughly 350 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 500 for dinner and 2 100 cal snacks. If on any off your meals you are going massively over then try to look for lower calorie recipes. Also once I have finished my dinner I either go for a run/walk or do an exercise dvd so if I have gone over my a few that gets me back in credit