I used to be able to play Soccer

Hello. I am 46. I used to play soccer back in my homeland, Barcelona. I have been playing in a recreational league and also been coaching kids in a nearby school for fun. Three years ago I quitted smoking because I could not keep up with the pace of the game. I managed to quit (which was quite an accomplishment). I was doing ok for the first year but in almost no time, and out of the blue, I started gaining weight. So here I am. I decided 4 weeks ago to do something about it and learned about this site. Wonderfull!! I love it. So far I have lost 10 pounds and my goal is to loose another 20 by the end of this year. Hopefully I will be able to enjoy playing soccer again. I can not talk myself into quitting soccer :)


  • robinsnest0326
    well, this is the place. I just joined myself. I feel great about this website.
  • Dawn_2013
    Welcome! What an acomplishment to quit smoking!:drinker: That is amazing. You came to the right place to address your weight, the people here are :glasses: and the support is incredible.

    You can do this!!:flowerforyou:
  • claire11390
    I also was very active in many sports 7 days a week, just about all my life. I did not know how it felt to be fat. Now that I am 64 and gained weight steadily for the last 8 years I feel like my stomach is in my chest. I never had this feeling before. When I was told about this site from my brother....I tried it and have been successful in keeping on track. I never had this will power until I got here. I do not think about my ice cream much and when I do, I think about all of you guys in the same boat as me and we must go on and feel good about ourselves and our health and I will take up sports again.
  • carlajp18
    carlajp18 Posts: 50 Member
    congrats on quitting smoking! that is a real accomplishment. wishing you the best on your weight goals!

  • basany
    Thank you my friends, I appreciate the compliments and support. Reading your posts is inspiring.