
I don't know what is going on with me right now but I want to lose weight so bad and want to feel good about myself that I'm getting depressed then all I want to do is eat crap food!!

Has anyone else ever went through this? What did you do to turn yourself around?

All I want to do is cry and eat junk.


  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Maybe try to focus on the actions that will get you closer to your goal rather than on the goal itself? Sorry you're having a rough time; be assured that many of us have been there, too!
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    Have you spoken to someone about your symptoms? Maybe if you can speak to someone and get the depression under control everything else will fall into place.
  • Lifegetsfatat50
    Make sure you get all your B vitamins The herb St John's Wort helps. Best of all take a walk each day. Good luck chickie - you can do it :smile:
  • jayebennett
    YES - All the time!

    to fix it, instead of going to the cabinets, i go to the gym. i love a good workout plus it makes me not so hungry or craving-ly.

    if i don't have that option, which is everyday during work, i day dream. what i will look like at my GW. when will i hit my next mini goal, etc. i look at my numbers and see how far i have come.

    also i think about why. Why am i doing this? Hardship now for success/benefits later.

    lastly i go on MFP and look at the success stories - remind myself that other people do this and that it takes A LONG TIME. that is why i changed my pic to a turtle, to always remember it is one month, one week, one day, one hour, one decision at a time.

    if i give in i will constantly be in a trap and never get out.

    finally i sit and ask, "am i really hungry or am i bored or emotional eating" i hate to play a shrink, but really sit and try to figure out why you are depressed. you need to acknowledge it and accept it, not run from it.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    I don't know what is going on with me right now but I want to lose weight so bad and want to feel good about myself that I'm getting depressed then all I want to do is eat crap food!!

    Has anyone else ever went through this? What did you do to turn yourself around?

    All I want to do is cry and eat junk.

    Best REMEDY ever: Get your *kitten* moving!! Seriously!! Working out is the best to overcome stress/grievances/frustrations! I just realized this a few short months ago. I live with an anxiety disorder and am able to manage it better now than ever...and it's been quite a few years!! I just walk or mow the lawn for 30 mins/day, 5-7 days a week. If you force this routine upon yourself for 1-3 weeks, I promise you will feel too good to even think about stopping! You will crave that exercise! You will see results! You will feel happy! Just get to it...take it one day at a time...and stay consistent! =))
  • clarekearnsgray
    try to boost your confidence it's not all about what you weigh, get your hair done, get your nails done, treat yourself to things that don't have calories a new hand bag or nail polish remember that people of all sizes can look good. you will get there keep trying now step away from the snacks and paint your nails or something x:smile:
  • TKRV
    TKRV Posts: 165 Member
    This happens to me often too. Usually it's after I've been trying really hard at something and it seems to end up in failure. It's rare, but sometimes it just breaks me down. Like, why even bother where's the chocolate!

    I don't keep a lot of unhealthy stuff in my house, though, so I have to be active and go out if I want anything like that. If I eat something, it's going to be a healthy something whether I like it or not.
  • chickenchaser78
    chickenchaser78 Posts: 89 Member
    When I went through depression a few years ago taking St. Johns Wort really did help. I gave myself a time frame and told myself if something didn't improve within 2 months of starting that I was willing to go to the Dr. for additional help. I also started small and made myself go for walks. It slowly started getting better.

    I've realized over the past few years that exercise really does help my mood. Even when I take away the idea that I want to lose weight and get better when I haven't been consistently exercising, within the month I'm starting to get moodier and feel worse about myself. I noticed that this summer when the heat was brutal and I hadn't been getting exercise in.

    Do you set any goals for yourself? Look at Chalene Johnson's, its totally free and she helps to teach you how to set goals. Its really made a huge difference in my life.

  • loveanddestroyx
    loveanddestroyx Posts: 185 Member
    I've been dealing with depression off and on for about 8 years now, and gained most of the weight from it. I was an emotional eater, and just stuffed my face with junk food until I felt I couldn't eat anymore.

    Going to a therapist is helping me, and of course working out! When I'm upset or angry I hit the treadmill, do some squats, something. Depression is hard to deal with, especially when it ends up in over-eating. Hang in there!
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    Are you still running? Whenever I put in the time and effort to run, I never want to undo all that hard work by eating junk.
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    I have come to believe life is a roller coaster. I have the same struggle you describe. I went to therapy for 2 years, started an anti-depressant and I still struggle at times. However, I am doing better on the anti-depressant and the therapy works when I want it to work. Therapy is a learning process. It is not a fix-it-all. Exercise does help. On my bad days, no one can convince me that walking or running is better than cheesecake and a pedicure pales in comparison to a bacon cheeseburger when the going gets tough. But, when I do find the strength to exercise instead of eat, I feel more empowered for facing the next day.

    My social-worker sister, who works with terminal cancer patients and has to keep it together, tells me she has to work out the negative self-talk to be healthy. So, if she has to work on herself daily, I would say we all do.

    Someone on MFP posted about how some days you just fall down, eat crap, accept it, and get up the next day and do better. If you can see that you have more good days than bad ones, you are successful. That makes the most sense to me and takes the pressure off.

    Life is complicated, but it is still good. Sending positive your way...
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    The exercise makes all of the difference. Do some cardio and get your heart pumping. Endorphins are wonderful things!

    I've had issues with depression and anxiety for nearly 7 years. It's not easy and I know where you are coming from. I love to eat and it makes me feel better- temporarily. Afterward I feel bad for having eaten badly.

    If you continue to feel really low it couldn't hurt taking to your doctor. I was on anti depressants for a while and they weren't perfect but took the edge off.

    I hope you feel better!
  • PlayboyMickey81
    I know exactly how you feel :( because I was also depressed at how much weight I gained throughout the years and always being lazy to do anything about it and I love love love foods too much to ever want to be healthy, but let me tell you something. I barely started a month ago at exercising and eating healthy everyday for 35 days straight now and the results is incredible. People around me are noticing it too and complimenting me. The 1st step is the hardest of course but if you think about how everyday passed by so quickly and before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas again....... so it means if you just start on that 1st day and stick to it no matter what, you will see big result.

    My recommendation is not to weigh yourself everyday because then if you dont see that scale going down, you will be depressed and angry lol but just give it at least 2 weeks if not a month at sticking to doing cardio everyday along with lifting weights and you will be happy and people arouns you will notice. I only lost about 10 lbs so far in a month but it feels like I lost 30 lbs :) and now I'm not depressed anymore. I feel happier everyday :) and I see results, results, results.