Single mother-workout plan

:yawn: I am a single mother. I am working full time and getting ready back to school again. I had a gym membership and I had a personal trainer for a little while, but I just can't afford the money and dedicate even more time away from home.

My ultimate goal is to be able to get basic equipment to work out at home and get a system together of how to do it, because come August 26th I will be a mess with work/school/kids/house etc.

Please any help is greatly appreciated! :) Thank you! :)


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Look at BeFit in 90 on YouTube or Fitness Blender. Some great videos there. You can follow their plans or create your own. Minimal equipment is needed. (I'd strongly suggest adjustable dumbbells for those if you can.) Resistance bands are a cheap, effective tool as well. A lot of the videos on those sites are shorter, so you can squeeze them in when you can. If you can get a bench, rack, bar & plates, do it, and check out some strength training programs.

    I get up at 4:30 to get my workout in by 5 while my two kids are still sleeping. (I workout from home, but husband goes to the gym at the same time.) It's the best way for me. If my 4 year old gets up, she watches a movie in my room if I'm upstairs or one on the portable DVD player or my iPad if I'm in the basement. She knows, although doesn't always follow, the rule to "not talk to mommy" while she's working out.

    Also, hiking on the weekends is great or put on some music with your kids and dance around!
  • bwalker0823
    bwalker0823 Posts: 107 Member
    Look at BeFit in 90 on YouTube or Fitness Blender. Some great videos there. You can follow their plans or create your own. Minimal equipment is needed. (I'd strongly suggest adjustable dumbbells for those if you can.) Resistance bands are a cheap, effective tool as well. A lot of the videos on those sites are shorter, so you can squeeze them in when you can. If you can get a bench, rack, bar & plates, do it, and check out some strength training programs.

    I get up at 4:30 to get my workout in by 5 while my two kids are still sleeping. (I workout from home, but husband goes to the gym at the same time.) It's the best way for me. If my 4 year old gets up, she watches a movie in my room if I'm upstairs or one on the portable DVD player or my iPad if I'm in the basement. She knows, although doesn't always follow, the rule to "not talk to mommy" while she's working out.

    Also, hiking on the weekends is great or put on some music with your kids and dance around!

    This is great! Thank you so much! I know there are others out there in the same boat I just want to know how they do it! Get some ideas and find out what is best for me :)
  • Mitcher86
    You definitely don't need a gym or a personal trainer (although those are nice). The other good thing is that workouts don't have to be long to be effective. You can Google HITT workouts or tabata workouts for some ideas. One exampl would be to warm up for a few minutes, then do intervals of 30 seconds activity, 30 seconds rest alternating exercises such as jumping jacks, body weight squats, mountain climbers, a push up variation (on your knees or against a kitchen counter if a full push up is too difficult), planks and others. 12 to 20 minutes is all you need.

    Best of luck to you. Please be sure to take care of yourself with all you have going on.
  • bwalker0823
    bwalker0823 Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you very much and it is very hard to take care of myself. I am not feeling well at all right now and I am resting on the couch and reading my fitness pal messages/blogs and getting a plan together :) All of your help is great though - thanks!