Day two.....

Ok so I knew I had been putting on weight over the last few years but didn't realise just how much until recently, we found some old photos of me from about 5 years ago in a bikini, I won't even put a swimming costume on these days! I have suffered from depression since I was a teen and my diet consisted of mainly chocolate, take always and fizzy drinks (red bull is my biggest weakness and sugary tea!) 7 months ago something happened that changed my life, it's amazing how so many positive things came from something so negative! Back in April I went back to work, after 4 years off and I love my job. I work in a busy pre school with 3-5 year olds and I never sit down (surely I can class that as exercise?) The only problem I have with my job is the kids food, we are expected to sit down at mealtimes and eat with the children which is fine as the food is healthy but there isn't much of it so I'm eating in between too :-( I soooo need to find some willpower!
Anyway, does anyone know how I can log a 10 hours shift at work as exercise? For those of you with kids you no how busy you are, on a quiet day I have 25 children to look after! Lol I'm going on holiday in 6 weeks and I no I won't be in a bikini but would love to at least look good in a swimming costume!
Good luck everyone!! Xx


  • mortenkl
    Hi Kirstie,

    I would suggest that you buy a step counter and start logging :). You should be able to google some kind of rough ratio bewteen steps counted and calories.

    You can then manually add an exercise here and write the amount of calories burned and maybe the no. of steps in the note section.

    In general walking is greatly underestimated as a fat burner. You don't need high intensity workout to burn fat / calories. I might be more effecient, but weight loss is not a sprint, it's a marathon.

    Good luck!

    / M.
  • iavet
    iavet Posts: 10
    Hi Kristie go to apps on this site and check out fitbit ( I use a treadmill and pedometer at same time to get your steps to distance and calorie information. Also checkout this site, it helps you factor in your weight. Any way good luck on your journey.
  • kirstie8181
    Thanks guys, I downloaded an app on my phone for when I'm not working but not allowed to take phone into class so checking out pedometers on amazon. I didn't resist the kids food today but did avoid the shop on my break so no red bull!