Working out late at or don't?

roshong06 Posts: 196
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a working mom of 2...and it is hard for me to get up early in the morning...I try, I really do...but 5 more minutes of peace before screaming children dressing for school and spilling breakfast all over the freshly cleaned house is heaven to me. You moms out there know what I'm talking about. The best time for me to really get in a decent workout is at night, after the kids are in bed, dinner dishes are done, and house is clean...and that is usually about 9 or sometimes even 10 at night. I've read different views on this...some have said it is completely worthless and does nothing for me....and some have said, better late than never. I was just wondering if anyone else had any views on this they would like to bring to the table.


  • roshong06
    roshong06 Posts: 196
    I am a working mom of 2...and it is hard for me to get up early in the morning...I try, I really do...but 5 more minutes of peace before screaming children dressing for school and spilling breakfast all over the freshly cleaned house is heaven to me. You moms out there know what I'm talking about. The best time for me to really get in a decent workout is at night, after the kids are in bed, dinner dishes are done, and house is clean...and that is usually about 9 or sometimes even 10 at night. I've read different views on this...some have said it is completely worthless and does nothing for me....and some have said, better late than never. I was just wondering if anyone else had any views on this they would like to bring to the table.
  • I do it at night, usually between 9 and 10 and it's workin for me!! I'm losing weight and inches so it must not be too worthless! Do what works for you. I haven't done any research on it though so I'll be following this thread to see what others have to say!
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    I personally don't think it matters.. If you are goin to eat your exercise cals then eat alil bit more. Just not to much. I sometimes go at 1 or 2 a when I know that nobody is at the gym. Exercise is exercise. It's for your body, right? So doin it regardless is good.
  • bleachcse
    bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
    I do it at all different times of the day. When school is in and I'm working it's always late at night after the baby goes to bed. There is no other time. It works for me. Burning calories is burning calories, no matter what time its done. My trainer told me that, and I would say she knows something.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I am a working mom of 2...and it is hard for me to get up early in the morning...I try, I really do...but 5 more minutes of peace before screaming children dressing for school and spilling breakfast all over the freshly cleaned house is heaven to me. You moms out there know what I'm talking about. The best time for me to really get in a decent workout is at night, after the kids are in bed, dinner dishes are done, and house is clean...and that is usually about 9 or sometimes even 10 at night. I've read different views on this...some have said it is completely worthless and does nothing for me....and some have said, better late than never. I was just wondering if anyone else had any views on this they would like to bring to the table.

    I workout when I can having kids makes it hard to catch a breather and im not a morning person so getting up extra early is out of the question its fine to workout late just remember that workin out late can have a reverse effect on you if you gain energy after a workout that you might not be able to sleep- but most of the time when i workout i am exhausted so once im done and shower i pass right out and sleep like a baby--
  • eriquita
    eriquita Posts: 69
    It doesn't matter as long as you do it. The only reason why I'm trying to do it in the mornings is because if I exercise late I can't sleep even when I haven't stop in the whole day.
  • eriquita
    eriquita Posts: 69
    It doesn't matter as long as you do it. The only reason why I'm trying to do it in the mornings is because if I exercise late I can't sleep even when I haven't stop in the whole day.

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  • I don't think it matters as long as you're doing it. I'm the exact opposite as you - I get up at 4:00am so I can have my peace and quiet while everyone is still sleeping. I have my coffee. Then, I get on my treadmill for an hour. No worrying about getting a baby sitter. No worrying about getting interrupted. Just me, my treadmill, and whatever book I'm reading (yep - I read while I walk :wink: ). It's MY time. And I get annoyed if anyone interrupts it. :smile: ...Another bonus is: Since I work out first thing in the morning, I never have my workout looming over me all day long. It's done and over with. I like that. Otherwise, I tend to stress about it all day long wondering if I'm going to find the time or whatever. And then, when something happens to keep me from getting that workout in, I stress about it more. :ohwell: Not worth it for me.

    ...I'm just a morning person. And I go to bed EARLY.

    So, anyway - I say... whatever works for you. A workout is a workout. It's better than NOT working out. Do whatever works for you. Kids make working out MUCH more complicated. That's for sure. :wink:
  • Juliebean
    Juliebean Posts: 317
    I tend to work out at night for a couple different reasons -- I'm totally NOT a morning person! :noway: and because I've found that it works better for my body. Exercising boosts your metabolism so I do it right before I go to bed so that my metabolism is a little higher through the night. Not sure if this is accurate or if it's just my imagination but it seems to be working for me. I'm with everyone else on this... as long as you're doing it, I don't think it matters when! Keep on keepin' on! :smile:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I say work out when you can...better than not at all, and cals burned are cals burned
    I've read it's suggested to work out in the am so you get it out of the way and don't get side tracked and miss your work-out...I've also heard it bumps up your metabolism for the day
    BUT if evenings work-out are best with you...stick with it..some of us just aren't morning people
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    As a mom, I work out when I can but I do try to work out every day. I like working out at night but sometimes it messes with my sleep. I prefer to work out in the morning b/c then it is over and done. I also find that if I can make the commitment to working out in the morning, then I do a better job of eating in the day. (It's like I started with something good and positive for my body so I'm more likely to continue). So, maybe the compromise is to work out at night during the work week and then switch to the mornings for the weekends?

    When my kids were younger, I tried to make it so that the exercise I got was something they could do, too. If they were at the playground, I'd walk around the playground so that I could keep an eye on them but I'd be moving the whole time. We'd walk or bike to places rather than taking the car. We'd toss frisbees or throw balls. My whole goal was to keep moving (and make them move, too!).

    Even now (they're teenagers) we go for walks together all the time. They're athletes who have surpassed my coordination or ability but they still seem to like our casual walks in the park!
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    just wanted to say love this post it has been super helpful to me also.

    i am not a morning person but work till 6pm and have 2 small kids and a husband to take care of at home byt he time "my time" comes its 9pm so i put my soap opera on and jump on the treadmill hey so far its worked good for me but i have always wondered

    i have to admit sometimes i just dont want to do it b/c im tired but i usualy :wink: do
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