30 Day Shred Challenge - Any takers?



  • oldhanoverfarm
    oldhanoverfarm Posts: 3 Member
    I saw your post last night and decided to start day 1/level 1 today too (just finished! Tired and sweaty now). When I first bought the DVD two years ago, I made it to day 9 (without resting days), before I stopped. Am going to try for the full 30, taking it a day at a time. (Snapped all of my photos and took my measurements, so I'll have the before/after info on September 15.) Thanks for the motivation to get started again, and good luck!
  • quita305
    I just got my 30DS DVD monday.i wanted to start but have not found any one to start it with!! I would love to start today with you and the rest of you. i will post my before/after pic Sep 15 as well.

    im currently 156 but would like to get down to 140

    Feel free to add me:)
  • love2laugh2loudly
    I'm glad to see there are a decent number of people willing to take on the challenge with me. I have to admit that I'm pretty anxious about making it all the way through. I'm going to try and push myself as hard as I can and really dig deep to finish this up.

    I'm going to be posting updates on here as I go through the process to provide mental support for everyone. I know it helps me tremendously to know that someone else is going through the same pain as me. :)

    I took pics and measurements as well. Here are my before measurements:

    Waist - 36'
    Hips - 43.5'
    Thigh - 23'
    Bicep - 13'
    Chest - 42'
    Neck - 15'

    I'll post the before and after pics in the same post on the last day.

    Good luck to everyone! Feel free to post updates on your progress as often as you want!
  • johnna1212
    johnna1212 Posts: 43 Member
    Ack, my daughter stole my DVD. OK, it was hers to begin with. I am going to have to follow on Youtube. No biggie.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I'm done with level 3 on Sunday, so the finish line is in sight! I'm sure you've seen plenty of testimonials and advice but I'll add my two cents:

    - Take rest days if you need to but you don't *have* to. I've tried the shred multiple times before and never got farther than day 4 or 5. I've made it all the way through this round without deliberate rest days (had to take two off right after starting level 3 due to other life stuff) and I had zero strength training fitness prior to starting. It is possible.

    - Don't be afraid to modify the moves or take a two second break, but keep moving and pushing yourself as best as you can. Your endurance WILL get better. I couldn't make it through the basic push-ups in level 1 without stopping several times on the first day, but now I'm doing traveling push-ups like a champ halfway through level 3.
  • love2laugh2loudly
    I'm done with level 3 on Sunday, so the finish line is in sight! I'm sure you've seen plenty of testimonials and advice but I'll add my two cents:

    - Take rest days if you need to but you don't *have* to. I've tried the shred multiple times before and never got farther than day 4 or 5. I've made it all the way through this round without deliberate rest days (had to take two off right after starting level 3 due to other life stuff) and I had zero strength training fitness prior to starting. It is possible.

    - Don't be afraid to modify the moves or take a two second break, but keep moving and pushing yourself as best as you can. Your endurance WILL get better. I couldn't make it through the basic push-ups in level 1 without stopping several times on the first day, but now I'm doing traveling push-ups like a champ halfway through level 3.

    Thanks for the advice! I'm really looking forward to being able to do several real pushups. LOL.
  • ChadAndrews4
    Where do you find this challenge? I am definately in if I can find the workout!
  • love2laugh2loudly
    Where do you find this challenge? I am definately in if I can find the workout!

    Its the 30 Day Shred DVD with Jillian Michaels. If you have Amazon Instant Video, you can purchase it there and stream it to your PS or Xbox. Otherwise, you can buy it on Amazon and I'm pretty sure someone mentioned that you can find it on Youtube as well.

    The workout has three levels. The recommended program indicates that you should workout using each level for ten days before moving to the next level. Some people move to a more advanced level after a few days and some stay on level 1 for more than 10 days. Either way, you need to work your way up to level 3. I'll be doing strictly 10 days on each level without any rest days.

    Please feel free to post your progress!
  • lukale
    lukale Posts: 2
    FInished day 1 & it confirm what I thought - I can't do push ups :smile: But hopefully by the time day 30 comes along I will have improved! Glad I have the first day down!
  • cryptogirl
    cryptogirl Posts: 35 Member
    I will join this challenge...I am on day 6 of level 2 and going to make it to the end! I took before pics so that I can do some comparing at the end. And it is true! You do become able to do pushups! Go Girls!
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I had to take a rest day after 2 days of it because of some pretty bad muscle pain after the first two workouts. I'm now on the 4th workout of level1 (technically 5 days in) but I'm already starting to get more endurance.
  • love2laugh2loudly
    FInished day 1 & it confirm what I thought - I can't do push ups :smile: But hopefully by the time day 30 comes along I will have improved! Glad I have the first day down!

    I did my first workout last night and I can't do pushups either. Apparently my shoulders are really weak. :( My shoulders get sore much faster than my legs or core during the workout. But maybe I can do some real pushups by the end?
  • kirbyandme
    :wink: Hi everyone,

    I just came on board and would like to join in on the 30 Day Shred Challenge as well. So here I go!
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    im on day 9 level 1, watching it FREE on youtube! first couple days were hell but i feel like im rockin it now!

    feel free to join this group guys..we are all shredding

  • xmariaxaliciax
    xmariaxaliciax Posts: 18 Member
    I'm on board with this challenge, at the moment I'm on day 8 level 1 of the 30DS due to finish on the 8th September. Im doing this to lose weight, tone up but generally get fitter. I unfortunately put quite a lot of the weight I lost for my wedding in May back on (9/24lbs) but go on honeymoon on the 11th September so would like to feel more confident in a swimsuit.

    The first couple of days was a challenge as I was aching but I pushed through, I definitely don't ache as much now which is a positive and the moves are also starting to get easier. I've tried this DVD several times before and never made it past day 2 so I'm quite impressed I'm sticking with it as I started insanity earlier in the year and only made 36/60 days. I saw big changes then but I am also seeing changes quickly with the 30DS which is surprising as it is less intensive and each session is shorter in length than insanity. The changes so far are mainly in my arms and legs and a little bit in my tummy (always stubborn) and that's just in 7 days however I have lost very little weight. I do recommend you measure yourself rather than just rely on the scales and is it can be disheartening not to see the scales move. I'm also adding in a little bit of extra cardio on days where I feel more energetic e.g I've done a 2.5 mile run and a Zumba DVD this week.

    Good luck everyone!

  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    OK... I am in. Got the DVD from a co-worker. Will start Monday morning. If anyone wants to friend me in order to kick my *kitten* and remind me to do it please send me a request!
  • aharburger
    aharburger Posts: 44 Member
    Update: I just finished level 1 day 6 and I feel so much better! On day 1 i thought I was going to die and the next 4 days were spent pushing through even though my whole body was sore!

    Yesterday (day 5) I starting doing regular push ups for the first set and only modified ones on the second set and MAN they are hard! I pumped out 7, and my goal is to be able to do 10 before moving up to level 2.

    How is everyone else doing so far?
  • Sarahloulalou
    Sarahloulalou Posts: 60 Member
    My profile pic is 5 days of the shred plus 1 day of couch to 5 k

    Not much of a difference apart from tummy has gone down as well as back fat
  • Ptscorp5763
    Ptscorp5763 Posts: 5 Member
    You should notice a difference in about 2 weeks, or at least that's what happened to me. After the 30 days I started Killer Buns & Thighs and will do that for another 30 days. Talk about a "killer"!!! Anyway my plan is to do each video (I have 4 of Jillian's workout videos) for 30 days and start over again or buy some more. I get bored very easily and that has been one of my problems and what I am trying to avoid. Good luck!
  • quita305
    well i have started the 30 challenge on last week friday Aug 15th. the first day was a little hard but i was able to give it my all. saturday i had a big event so i missed day 2. but sunday was day 3 for me and i made sure i worked out hard. eventhou i missed day 2 work out, my body was still very sore on sunday. i was still in pain and my arms and inner thigs are super sore. sense i missed day 2 i will finish the program Sep 16th instead of the 15th. i dont want to cheat my self.

    so hows every one doing so far?