New and trying to be more motivated!

Hello! My name is Destinee. I'm 18 and looking to lose the weight that I've gained from the past 2 years.
2 years ago i was extremely confident and happy with myself. I ate healthy and worked out about 3/4 a week. But once I began a new year of school after moving that summer, things got tough. I became depressed slowly throughout the year. I didn't have the motivation to work out anymore and I started eating junk food, a lot.
Recently, my depression hasn't been as bad as it was last year. I'm recovering and I'm also slowly motivating myself to become more active and eat healthier again. I want to be that confident girl that I was a couple years ago.
I'm just having a hard time getting back into that cycle again. I'm almost overwhelmed and don't really know where to start.
That's why I was hoping I could meet some other people here to help motivate me to do so. I really want to lose the weight that I've gained. Hell, even if I could go even farther than that, it'd be great!
It's a pleasure meeting you all :)


  • klyn05
    klyn05 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi there I am lookin for motivated friends as well! I have been on here a while but just really getting into it for the first time in years and would love to share support with people who are very active on here as I am determined to change my lifestyle for good! Feel free to add me :)
  • saraaaas
    saraaaas Posts: 14
    hey! im 18 too, i totally get how hard it is to balance school and trying to get fit. im looking to build a small group of friends who are encouraging and supportive. id love to be able to encourage and motivate you too! we can all get fit together(:

    feel free to add me as a friend or message me for support and an extra push!
  • startingtoday94
    startingtoday94 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! i'm 19 years old, I can relate to a lot of what you've just said :) i'll send you a friend request! You can do this!
  • Hey there, Destinee! Don't be so overwhelmed--it's easier than you think (: Just breathe, focus and start with the little things. I just started logging what I did exercise/food-wise and started walking/jogging. I've realized it's got a lot to do with learning to take things in moderation. You got thiiiss!