Already at 950 Calories.. :( what do I do?

karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I had the MAD MUNCHIES last night and now I am paying for it. I have reached 950 calories already and I am not sure how to only eat 300 ALL DAY! I will exercise but that still wont be enough...

What do I do?!


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Drink lots of water and exercise! Only way to get more food - work it girl!
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Sometimes you just have to pay the piper.....I chew gum and sometimes that helps....also drink lots of water and go exercise.
  • Eat alot of salads. And if you go over, it's okay tomorrow is a new day.
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    Treadmill, walking....

    lots of water!
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    popcorn without all the butter salt. It's very filling and low cal.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Today is a new day. Start with your alloted calories and go from there. You'll probably be surprised to find out that you didn't gain fom your temporary slip. Good luck and stick with it!:smile:
  • Carrots, green and red peppers, brocolli, onion etc stirfry less the rice :-) Make a BIG one.
  • exercise and water.

    but you can always just make today an off day (doesnt mean no exercising, just means you already know you are going to go over) and still try and eat as light as you can, just dont worry too much if you go over. sounds like one of those days.

    i also suggest going online and looking up 100 calories per serving recipes (soup is an easy one). good luck!
  • eat a ton of veggies they will fill u up and drink plenty of water the more u exercise the more cals u will have good luck
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will definately drink A LOT of water. Maybe add some lemon for taste since I hate water :/

    I have spinach in the frisge ill just eat that plain with some light italian.

    Any other REALLY LOW calorie but filling foods out there im unaware about!?!?!
  • I had a weight watchers soup for dinner today and if u have it on its own without bread then the whole tin was 90cals! soup would be my advice on low cal, v filling food xx
  • nwood71
    nwood71 Posts: 3 Member
    Try to get some kind of good quality protein in there. It will help you feel satisfied. When all those veggies have gone out of your tummy and you're starving again. (at least that's what happens to me.) Light yogurt, ground turkey, and fish are some of my staples. I've gone over my allotment before, but it's not a regular habit. Hey life happens-work, family stress, finances, hormones can all make you slip. It's not the end of the world. Eat sensibly for the rest of the day.Then try to make up those calories over the next couple of days. Eat a little less, work out a little more. Your body won't be traumatized, you will be in control, not the food, and over the average of a week I don't think it will make all that much of a difference. Best of luck.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Remember that you have a deficit build in by MFP.

    I need to eat, starving for the rest of the day would not work for me. I would just munch again later and really blow it. So what I did was I checked on what my maintenance calorie allotment would be for my current weight. That way if I have a day like you are having, I know that I really haven't done any harm until I have eaten over my maintenance allotment. Plus any exercise I would do. I use the math to ease my mind. I may not end up with a deficit for the day, but I won't make myself crazy with guilty and self loathing either.

    I hope you find a solution that works for you.
  • Ditto on popcorn, veggies, and WORK OUT! Get those cals back!
  • hplvt
    hplvt Posts: 62
    Water!! Flush your system and then try to get in an extra workout too. But if you had abad day, it's ok- I don't know anyone who doesn't slip occasionally. Some diets allow 1 whole day a week for "feeding" that need
  • Hungry Girl has a 200 hundred recipes under 200 calories cook book. It helps to have meal solutions planned out for those "already at my calories" days. And exercise so you can add the extra calories in.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Exercise and roll your excess calories into tomorrow. Spread it out over a couple days and have a zero balance in the end.

    This is a good list of foods with a high fullness factor:
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you for the advice! :)

    The only upsetting thing is this past week and a half I have been over indulging.....Getting up at 2am and eating loads of food. I dont know what it is. Maybe it's the new apartment and Im not used to it or maybe its because Im not cooking full dinners.

    Any ideas to stop midnight snacking?!
  • Non fat yogurt, flax seeds, steamed broccoli, walnuts, whole grain melba, lean turkey. Drink lots of water and most of all excercise , this will give you extra calorie intake so you can beef up your food. Good Luck, I know its hard!! Im with you!!
  • i like protein water, but just plain water works, if you have over ate the only thing to do is to exercise it off. you go girl:flowerforyou:
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