Ladies (Private) 90 Day Photo Challenge



  • In! Thanks for doing this!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Who sees the photos and what do we wear in them?
    Only members of the (private) group, all ladies.

    Ideally, you'll wear something that shows your body fairly well. I'll take my photos (before and after) in a sports bra and shorts.

    Will we receive invites to this private group?

    ETA: uh, never mind. Just received my invite.
  • wisher40
    wisher40 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in!
  • I am in. When do we start?
  • Shani_j22
    Shani_j22 Posts: 23 Member
    Can I join too please? :-)
  • tatasmagik
    tatasmagik Posts: 185
    I am in. When do we start?

    Any day between today 8/16 and Saturday 8/31.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    That's why I started working on my meal planning about a month ago. I'm pretty sure I have the meal planning down so that as soon as school starts back I'll be able to come home and make dinner in 20 minutes and not start resorting to whatever is offered at the closest drive thru. My big issue is probably going to be the exercise. I LOVE exercise. I don't love that it takes an hour of my day that I could use to do something else, or the other 1/2 hour to hour I need to stretch out, or use a foam roller, etc. etc. etc. Seriously, who has that much extra time in their day?
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    Hey I'm game! Sign me up!
  • tatasmagik
    tatasmagik Posts: 185
    That's why I started working on my meal planning about a month ago. I'm pretty sure I have the meal planning down so that as soon as school starts back I'll be able to come home and make dinner in 20 minutes and not start resorting to whatever is offered at the closest drive thru. My big issue is probably going to be the exercise. I LOVE exercise. I don't love that it takes an hour of my day that I could use to do something else, or the other 1/2 hour to hour I need to stretch out, or use a foam roller, etc. etc. etc. Seriously, who has that much extra time in their day?

    With a husband that attends part-time/works full-time and two kids, not me.
  • BathtubBadger
    BathtubBadger Posts: 217 Member
    In as well... :)
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    Yes, please!
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I have the hubby, but not the kids. I have however trained the hubby in how to fix the meals! So theoretically if I'm too busy, he can make diner! Course that means I have to do the dishes....:grumble:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    i might as well join this. might help keep me motivated :)
  • buckanoo
    buckanoo Posts: 7 Member
    I'll give this a shot
  • CantStopWontStop92
    CantStopWontStop92 Posts: 165 Member
    me too please:)
  • NyteRider75
    NyteRider75 Posts: 2 Member
    I will do it. I am interested in my before/after photos. Though I have to offer the same apologies that others have offered regarding everyone seeing my physique as is. :)
  • I'm new, but interested to join the 90 day photo challenge. This maybe the motivation I need.
  • Ergh. Yeah, count me in please.
  • jam808
    jam808 Posts: 21
    I'd like to join.
  • ja9smakinachange
    ja9smakinachange Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in - Not getting much scale love so maybe this will help me see my body is actually changing.