on my way...

KityKat999 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am 28 years old and have had weight issues all of my life. I tend to yoyo between 110 and 140 pounds; a continuous cycle of losing and gaining weight. I am currently at my all time high of 150 pounds which may not seem like much to some of you, but I am only 5 foot 1. I've been 150 pounds for a little over 2 years now and I haven't done much to help myself to become healthier or lose the weight, and if I do try, I end up falling off the wagon so to speak.

I tend to eat to fill a void like feeling unloved or rejected. If I feel like I'm not good enough, I eat away the feeling. I've been on many diets before, but I never seem to stick to them because the only person I am accountable to is myself and I seem to be my own worst enemy at times. I have a fiance and an amazing family, but I dont think any of them understand my issues with weight and eating. I'm hoping that this community will help me to receive the support and motivation I need to get down to my goal weight of 110 pounds and stay there.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Talk to your fiance. Significant others can be so helpful! My boyfriend doesn't have issues with his weight like I do... he's gained 30 lbs in a year, whereas I gained 30 lbs in 3 months. At first, he didn't understand why I wanted to change how I eat and live by adding exercise but after awhile of talking and explaining to him that this is for our FUTURE and that I have to do this to make ME happy ... he gets it. He'll ask me when I tell him to pass the Doritos if I have extra calories, or if I REALLY want it... he'll sometimes complain if I say I need to work out when we're home but once I start, he smiles in awe as he watches me and giggles because he loves the way I look. He's become a great support...I just have to make sure I talk about more than just calories and exercise because it looks to him like I'm obsessed, when really, I just have to try SO hard to lose weight!
  • You will be so happy with this program. It has taught me to think of the nutrientional value of everything I eat. I am eating for health and the long haul. Of every program I have done this has been the easiest. I think you will meet your goals.
  • Hey I appreciate the comment :)

    Yea. Despite my embarrassment (because his opinion of how I look is the only one that matters to me, other than myself obviously) I talked to him about how I know I need to drop a lot of weight and it has gotten out of control. He fully understands because he works out almost every day and needs to in order to keep off the weight (He used to be 200 pounds but today he is only 175) Not to make excuses, but I just have a more hectic schedule (grad school and I work 2 jobs) than he does so I dont have as much time to work out. He makes more money than I do so he can afford to work less and work out more. Also, it would be helpful to do some things together to work out but when he works out he does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which is something I really wouldn't be interested in doing. He has helped in other ways though. He's started doing the same thing your boyfriend does, if I want a snack that might not be the right choice for me he says "are you SURE you want that?". It really does help because I need someone to keep me in check. Maybe our work outs will be different, but he can support me in other ways.
  • awe, hang in there we are all in the same boat and are here to support you, I just joined last night and think this site rocks.
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