Hard boiled eggs are not created equal?



  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Add baking soda to the water when you are boiling your eggs. For some reason this makes them SUPER easy to peel...

    I put salt in the water to keep the egg whites from leaking out in case the eggs crack. Maybe it has a similar effect. My middle school chemistry is too rusty at the moment to think through why NaCl or NaHCO3 would facilitate peeling. Where's Mr. White when you need him.
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    While we're on the topic of hard boiled eggs, for those of you who boil in advance for the work week - how long do HB eggs stay good once cooked?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    While we're on the topic of hard boiled eggs, for those of you who boil in advance for the work week - how long do HB eggs stay good once cooked?

    about a week-10 days. If you crack them open and the white has gone smooshy, or if there is a funky smell, it's time to toss them.

    We do a dozen at a time, and husband and I eat them up before a week has passed, and they're always fine.
  • crazorbaq
    crazorbaq Posts: 74 Member
    found this on the internet:

    " When the water with baking soda passes through the eggshell, it helps the albumen (the white part inside the shell) to separate from the shell."

    gonna have to try it, can never get the damn things to peel right either
  • mandi_444
    mandi_444 Posts: 156
    The best way to make hard boiled eggs is in the oven... no joke.

    Just place the eggs right on the rack. Bake for 30 minutes @ 325 degrees. They will get little brown dots (one on each side) because of sitting on the rack.. but it's really no big deal. After you take them out of the oven, place them in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking.

    Baking hard boiled eggs is amazing. Will never boil them again. They come out smoother too and you don't get the "egg" smell!!

    Will also never ever buy my eggs hard boiled.. they must add preservatives and crap to make them last.
  • tartling
    tartling Posts: 8 Member
    I'm so glad that there's a thread dedicated to hard boiled eggs!

    I know boiling an egg is a science but I can never be bothered to time them perfectly. I prefer the suspense as I am peeling and slicing through the egg before I see how my yolks turn out.

    The idea of baking hard "boiled" eggs also sounds fun! I'm going to try it out tomorrow morning.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    You can buy hard boiled eggs already cooked? :laugh: :laugh:
    That's what I thought, too! HUH?!

    I would never have thought you could buy them already hard boiled. There has to be a ton of chemicals in them to keep them fresh. NO thank you. I'll stick to boiling them myself!
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I have chickens. We hard boil eggs and they keep for at least a week - that's as long as they have ever lasted before getting eaten :)

    Eggs you buy in the shops are already 2 - 3 weeks old..... they really are well designed to stay fresh (think about their original job).

    And there is absolutely no difference between a brown and a white egg other than the colour that the specific breed of chicken happens to lay. No difference in any way, shape or form! Zero, Nada, Nil, Nothing!

    Sorry, I have to answer that one a lot!

    And I too was amazed! You can buy them ready boiled?????
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    ha ha ha.........I want to tell you, if they make eggs that are easy to peel , please let me know

    I end up messing them all up, I try and try to peel them, but end up losing about half the white from them ..........too funny

    to the day I die, I just cant peel an egg.........glad to know they can be bought already peeled..........

    I dont want to experience a pre boiled egg but, yes would love to peel them without mangling them. They arent pretty when im done. I find them too dry thu if i boil them too long .....as in ALL THE TIME.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    In regards to everyone asking why buy pre-boiled...I ran out the door, forgot to grab the ones I made, and there are lots of markets that sell them. I love eating hard boiled eggs...not for the protein, etc., just because I like eating them. So, I either don't eat any, which sucks because it's a great snack during my work day, or I get a pre-made. Like I said, I usually make my own, and they are organic brown free range etc.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    And FYI, hard boiling the eggs myself, here is what I do:

    1. Place eggs in sauce pan
    2. Fill sauce pan to about 1/4 to 1/2 inch above eggs
    3. Place on stove at medium heat until water boils
    4. Turn off heat and put on lid for 18 minutes
    5. Dump hot water and pour cold water over eggs until shells are cool or barely warm to the touch
    6. Place in egg carton then place in fridge

    I think you can add vinegar to the water to help with peeling, but my eggs peel perfectly 9 out of 10. Enjoy!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    it happens.

    I'm honestly shocked at the number of people who didn't realize you could absolutely purcahse pre-boiled eggs... mostly in places like quik check or wawa or sheetz- not like "the grocery" store.... but yeah- it's an easy quick snack.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    thanks for the recent replies on how to peel eggs.....I did read that if you have old eggs, or buy some before you really need to use them, they peel better

    Yep. Eggs aren't even refrigerated in many European countries. They are kept in the pantry. Most recipes work better with room temperature eggs (according to Alton Brown!). But also, it helps them to age naturally and after a few days to a week, you can boil them and they peel like butter. No vinegar, salt, baking soda, cracking with a spoon, dancing on your head or holding your breath while you jump up and down. Just give them a week, preferably in the pantry. I haven't refrigerated eggs in years.

    Edit: *RAW eggs aren't refrigerated. Once boiled, they need refrigeration. Don't want to get anyone sick by being unclear!
  • phieaglefan
    phieaglefan Posts: 107 Member
    I'll add some egg knowledge. I've owned chickens for the past year and I love getting fresh eggs. But I have too many and can't give the eggs away fast enough.

    We keep our eggs on the counter, it's easier to give them away if they're not refrigerated. But I tell people to check them before they eat them. Just drop each egg in a cup or bowl of water. The freshest eggs will lie horizontally on the bottom, as they get older they'll stand on end. When they bob or float, they're bad and need to be tossed. We refrigerate eggs that we want to hard boil as they'll keep longer in the fridge and it's best to use eggs that are a bit older for boiling.

    Here's a fun poem about egg freshness:

    If not sure you ought-ter,
    then place it in water.
    If it lies on its side,
    then it's fresh; eat with pride.
    After three or four days,
    at an angle it lays.
    But, it still is a treat,
    so go on and eat.
    Ten days, stands on end,
    in your baking 'twill blend.
    'Cause it's definitely edible,
    in your baking, incredible.
    But, if it floats on the surface,
    that egg serves no purpose.
    'Cause a floater's a stinker!
    Out the back door best fling 'er!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    we used to only keeps ours "out" but I was under the impression once they have been fridgerated- they must continue to be fridgerated till cooked/eaten essentially.

    God- would be so much easier- my egg stash takes up SOooooooooo much room!
  • phieaglefan
    phieaglefan Posts: 107 Member
    Yes, once cleaned OR refrigerated they must be refrigerated.
  • craschi
    craschi Posts: 5 Member
    I eat one whole hb egg and one hb egg white a day. The best way I've found to cook eggs (courtesy of Sara Moulton):

    Place eggs in saucepan
    Cover with one inch of water
    Cover and Bring to boil
    As soon as it boils, remove from heat
    Let sit covered for 10 minutes.


    Perfect yellow yolks every time- not that scary green color.

    And older eggs are easier to peel than fresher eggs because as the egg ages, a little more oxygen is able to seep thru the shell expanding that little air pocket.

    So, I do the same as the previous poster and rotate.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    The best way I have found to do hard boiled eggs is to cover them in the pot with cold water, bring to a rapid boil. After they start to boil remove them from the heat, cover and let them sit for 15 min. Done perfect every time.

    And as far as easy shell removal, Once that 15 min is up drain off the hot water and cover them with cold water for about 5 min. Drain off that water leaving just enough water in the pot to cover your eggs. Put the lid on and shake the pot vigorously. I recommend doing this over the sink it can be a little messy. But doing this makes the shells almost fall off. The key is doing it while they are still warm. I've used this method many many times and it works perfect and no ruined eggs!

    Mmmm... now I want eggs :smile: