Hunger anger

So I'm generally a really chilled out person and I NEVER lose my temper, but since starting to watch what I eat I find that every now and again I get really angry. I've noticed that whenever it happens I'm hungry, so I eat something and then I'm ok again. Took me a while to associate it with food - just really surprised at such a strong reaction.

Has anyone else had this?


  • RichardFL
    Yes, hunger causes people to have a harder time controlling their anger. It's due to serotonin, at least according to a study from Cambridge a few years back. The press release for the study is at’s-response-to-anger
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    It's like the Snickers commercials! (:

    I get very grumpy when I'm hungry, though not as bad as my mother.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    I'm actually getting more mellow as I continue dealing with hunger. Too weak to have the energy to put up a fight, I guess. :laugh:
  • rage032
    rage032 Posts: 36
    How long have you been going Dolling? While the study put up by RichardFL shows effects on people on a day to day basis, I suspect that over time, your body adjusts. At least, that's what happened with me. The first month I would go through almost Bi-polar like symptoms where I would be completely happy to super angry in seconds... over nothing. It went away though. Give it time. Realize your body is going through change. Keep strong and give it time to adjust. That's my opinion anyway. :D
  • Dolling5
    Dolling5 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone. This is only week 4 so I won't worry about it too much. Perhaps I will try to keep a small snack in my pocket so it doesn't matter if I'm late for lunch!