Fell off bandwagon

So last night everything was great.I ate under my caloric limit was feeling optimistic.My husband comes home with Mcdonalds.I just lost all will power and promptly scarfed down french fries and chicken nuggets.Washed it down with some soda.

So, here I am, 3:47 am, and I'm so mad at myself.I feel like crap.Please tell me some of y'all have fallen off once in awhile.I feel like I'm failing myself.Ugh.

Ok, pity party over.


  • gutbegone30DS
    Tell me about it! my bestfriend baked some cupcakes for my birthday, she made 24 freakin pieces.. they're still in the box.. on the floor.. I walk pass them every single day.. the urge to eat one was strong! so.. I took a bite...
    if anyone of you would like some cupcakes feel free to come over! they're strawberry w/ cream cheese frosting.. :\ hahah

    @lcast89 don't feel too bad! forgive yourself, move on! tomorrow is another day.. you will poop it out. lol
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    No problem you are in the next day ! Log foods after midnight and eat low cal rest of day! If your setting is 1200 go into profile and reset at 1/2 loss and hey presto more cals to eat!
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    Oh man, I can't even COUNT the times I've fallen off the wagon. There is only one solution: get back ON the wagon. *lol* That's all you can do! Advice: Water. Sleep. Walking. B12. Protein. And, above all, forgive yourself and move on. (Everybody caves now and again - we aren't robots.) :)
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member

    I absolutely love this, have saved it to read again and again. Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Funny you mention this. I was thinking about it earlier tonight when I was making dinner. I was thinking cheat day. Then I thought, this isn't a test so how am I cheating. There is no pass or fail. Just keep going. No biggie as long as you don't do if often.
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    We all slip up from time to time, but you just have to forgive yourself and move on and over time It will get easier. I wish you the best of luck. You can do it: :)
  • Green_Eyes2013
    I haven't had the need too eat junk food, I have had kids around me eating lollies and hot chips and stuff, You need too have will power. But yeah all people slip up. You can do it !
  • lcast89
    lcast89 Posts: 43 Member

    Thank you for this^^

    Read it and re- read it.Saving it so I can look back to it when I feel this way.Which hopefully won't occur again soon.
  • lcast89
    lcast89 Posts: 43 Member
    Y'all are right!I've gotta start pushing through this and have more willpower.Thank y'all for the well wishes.
  • KhaoticSoul
    Funny you mention this. I was thinking about it earlier tonight when I was making dinner. I was thinking cheat day. Then I thought, this isn't a test so how am I cheating. There is no pass or fail. Just keep going. No biggie as long as you don't do if often.

    So have to agree with this, I know some people work cheat days into their schedule, others think cheat days are soo bad. I just go with the flow. I don't plan to overeat, or say I can have a treat on this day, as to be honest I do pretty much eat what I want anyway. (That might sound daft, but since gradually reverting to a paleo lifestyle Ive found I really no longer crave prepacked, over processed foods that I used to.) Yes I am trying to lose weight. Yes I am trying to get fitter, but hey I'm also human and want a life too.. So the odd day out with friends, the occasional party, the inevitable summer bbqs, hell I kick back and enjoy them. I might avoid certain foods because I know they make me feel bad, but I sure don't sit there calculating FCP and calories.

    After all it took me 20 plus years to reach my heaviest, Ive lost over a third of that in 3 years, and I no longer have an unhealthy relationship with food where I spend my days thinking about food, or what my next meal will be etc etc.