Introducing myself

Hello My fitness pal's,

I'm new at posting my food, exercise and progress on a web site, but I'm really loving it. Been fat most of my life, and I always wanted just to be a normal size. I've tried many diets and failed each one with more weight to prove it. I do love to exercise, but feel tired and sometimes depress on how I look exercising. I am hoping for great positives things from myfitnesspal and look forward meeting new people with the same problems.

Thank you,

Tongo (Tonya Jenkins):flowerforyou:


  • Beebee78
    Hello! Just think you might not like the way you look right now when exercising but with the masses of support you willl get on here to keep you going, in a few months you will look and feel amazing doing it xxx
  • tongo
    Thanks Bee...I need to hear that....Look forward chatting with you..
  • DKWaggoner
    Welcome to MFP! and if you love to exercise then DO IT! How you look exercising doesn't matter..It's how it makes you feel!
    Nice to meet you & good luck!
  • Abanda08
    Hi Tonya,

    I just wanted to comment because I use to feel the same way. Don't worry about what others think if it makes you feel good and you enjoy it go for it...In the long run you won't regret it. I have changed my whole attitude towards myself and excersise. Good luck and wish you the best!!!
  • turbojanem
    welcome to MFPal...i LOVE the community here and how everyone cheers for one another. team work, watch your portion size, and exercise will help you get to your goal.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome Tonya!
    Glad to have you hear and hearing about your new journey ahead. You will love this site and tons of motivation here. Feel free to add me and we can help motivate each other. I'm here 37 days now.

    Glad you're here!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    Welcome to you!

    My lifestyle change actually began when I was invited to a Zumba class. I really didn't want to go and shake my tail in front of other people, but I reluctantly went... and fell in LOVE with Zumba! Just doing that class and making no dietary changes at all, I lost 10 pounds and 11.25 inches in two months. Then, I started to think of monitoring my diet and stumbled upon the app on my Droid phone for myfitnesspal. Joined and thus began a real life change.

    I wish you nothing but great results. You now have people on your side, any day, any hour.
  • mkpeacock
    Welcome to MFP hun! I say if you love to exercise do it and if your like me and cant stand for anyone to see you do it then lock your self in a room alone and do it!!! I say its worth it!!! I think you are going to love it here as I do!!

    Congrats on choosing Life!!

    Look forward to getting to know you!