yo-yo weight loss



  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you all for d encouragement.

    I had another session this evening,boy....I jst didn't like doing all d workout my trainer asked me to do.I did it jst to complete d 1hr session.He kept pushing,I kept pushing bck.I didn't enjoyed d session at all !!
    Got me to ask why did I hired d PT,it's all in my eating habits...like what you all posted here..I hv to admit it that I need to chg my eating habit.

    Oh..boy...self control..

    Man shall not live my bread alone...
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    Losing weight is difficult. It's a long, lonely, and solitary road. It's not just a matter of going on a diet for a while, and it requires changing much more than just your diet. It requires a permanent change in your life, including discarding friends who disparage or try to discourage your efforts. If you over eat because your job or the city you live in is too stressful, you may have to change jobs or move. If you over eat to combat depression you may need to change your social life. You, yourself, inside your soul, have to decide that losing weight is something you want to do. Not because friends said you should lose some weight; not because your doctor is on your case about it. You look at yourself in the mirror and decide you don't like the way you are and decide that you want to change your life.

    I know all this for a fact. I've lost over 50 pounds, gone from being overweight to being a few pounds above underweight, and have kept it off for more than ten years.

    Wow! Ten years.....I can't even maintain it for 1 year.But, I am going to maintain it for 1 year.
    I eat cos it's time to eat & I go for high calorie food cos I felt...why not. :(
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    I left MF for a year cos I thgt i b discipline enough to maintain my weight....o boy...was I WRONG! I GAINED 10KG! I hv nvr reached 75kg in my life. ...

    i m going on 10kg to lose diet starting TODAY
